Historic events

  • 2000 BCE

    Appearance of the Tartessians

    Appearance of the Tartessians
    It was the first kingdom to appear in the Iberian Peninsula, it was quite prosperous
  • 800 BCE

    Creation of Gadir (Cádiz)

    Creation of Gadir (Cádiz)
    It was a city of the Phoenicians and the oldest in Europe
  • 264 BCE

    First Punic War

    First Punic War
    It was a war in which Carthaginians and Romans fought, leaving the Romans as the victors.
  • 154 BCE

    The wars against Celtiberians and Lusitanians

    The wars against Celtiberians and Lusitanians
    They represented the second phase of the conquering advance, directed towards the peoples of the center and west of the peninsula.
  • 19 BCE

    Conquest of the Iberian Peninsula by the Romans

    Conquest of the Iberian Peninsula by the Romans
    This period began with the Second Punic War and ended with the Asturian-Leonese wars.
  • 200

    The Roman crisis

    The Roman crisis
    culminated in the fall of the western Roman empire
  • 380

    Christianity as the official religion

     Christianity as the official religion
    Theodosius I established it as the official religion of the empire
  • 410

    The fall of the Roman Empire

    The fall of the Roman Empire
    The Roman Empire is defeated by the Visigoths.
  • 476

    The fall of the western Roman empire

     The fall of the western Roman empire
    The last emperor fell and the Western Roman Empire disappeared.
  • 631

    Unification of the peninsula by the Visigoths

    Unification of the peninsula by the Visigoths
    Suintilla unified the Iberian peninsula into one territory.
  • 631

    Unificacion de la Peninsula por los Visigodos

    Unificacion de la Peninsula por los Visigodos
    Suintilla unified the peninsula only in one territory
  • 711

    Comienzo de la conquista musulmana de la peninsula

    Comienzo de la conquista musulmana de la peninsula
    Started in Guadalete
  • 718

    Nacimiento del reino astur

    Nacimiento del reino astur
    Pelayo flees to the cantabrian mountains where he becomes the leader of the rebels
  • 722

    Final de la conquista musulmana

    Final de la conquista musulmana
    It happen in covadonga
  • 722

    La reconquista

    La reconquista
    Period in which the cristians survivors of the conquest and their muslim descendants, snatch the conquered land
  • Period: 722 to 1492

    La reconquista

    Period in which the cristian survivors of the conquest and their muslim descendants, snatch the conquered land
  • Period: 929 to 1031

    Califato de cordoba

    When Abderraman III becomes caliph
  • 1212

    Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa

    Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa
    It was the battle that got the Christian domain
  • 1273

    Creation of the honored council of the mesta

     Creation of the honored council of the mesta
    It was created by Alfonso X the wise man, he was in charge of the rights of farmers
  • 1468

    Treaty of Toros de Guisando

     Treaty of Toros de Guisando
    Enrique IV name Isabel II future queen of Castilla
  • 1469

    The marriage of the Catholic kings

    The marriage of the Catholic kings
    The Catholic kings Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabel of Castile marry
  • Sep 4, 1479

    Treaty of Alcacovas-Toledo

    Treaty of Alcacovas-Toledo
    Isabella and Ferdinand finish becoming kings of Castile and the problem with Joan ends.
  • 1492

    fall of the Muslims and their expulsion

    fall of the Muslims and their expulsion
    It takes place in Granada against Boabdil
  • Apr 17, 1492

    Capitulaciones de Santa Fe

    Capitulaciones de Santa Fe
    Is a document in which are written the agreements reached with Christopher Columbus where the expedition by the sea to the west was planned.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Exit from Palos

    Exit from Palos
    Christopher Colombus left Palos (Huelva) to go to América.
  • 1520

    Sad night

    Sad night
    It has the fight from the city of Tenochtitlan, starring the spanish conquerors and Hernán Cortés.
  • 1521

    Fundation of the city of New México.

    Fundation of the city of New México.
    Hernán Cortés win the war with Moctezuma and create the city of New México.
  • 1533

    Cuzco ocupation

    Cuzco ocupation
    Francisco Pizarro take the capital of Inca empire.
  • 1533

    Foundation of the city of Los Reyes/Lima.

    Foundation of the city of Los Reyes/Lima.
    Francisco Pizarro take the city of Los Reyes now called Lima.
  • 1561

    Madrid become the capital

    Madrid become the capital
    Felipe II established the capital of Spain in Madrid.
  • 1571

    The Battle of Lepanto

    The Battle of Lepanto
    It was a naval Battle Next top the greec City of Náfpactos
  • The fight with England

    The fight with England
    Spain fight with England and loose a lot of boats named 'La armada invencible' in the fight.
  • The war of religion in France

    The war of religion in France
    It id the war betw two groups, the catholics and the calvinists.
  • The proyect of unification of Olivares.

    The proyect of unification of Olivares.
    Olivares start a proyect wich unificates the territories os Spain.
  • The death of the last Austrian, Carlos II

    The death of the last Austrian, Carlos II
    The las King os the Austrians, Carlos II dies.
  • Period: to

    America en s.XVIII

    The contracting house was changed from Seville to Cadiz.Two new viceroyalties were seen New Granada and Rio de Plata.
  • Period: to

    Guerra de sucesion

    Carlos II didn't have sucesor to the throne and this caused a war, the possible heirs were felipe de Anjou and the archiduke Carlos. Later the defenders of each one would face each other.
  • New plant decrees

    New plant decrees
    This started in Valencia and Aragon in 1707. Then in Mallorca in 1715. These eliminated the privileges and made a series d reforms.
  • Treaty of Utrecht

    Treaty of Utrecht
    The war of sucesion ended with this treaty.
  • Period: to

    Fernando VI

    He carried out the so-called cadastre of the cove and signed the concordat of Rome in 1753.
  • Period: to

    Carlos III

    Son of Felipe V and Isabel de Farnese. He left Naples to one of his sons and returned to Spain. He signed the third family pact with France, trying to recover Gibralthar and Menorca.
  • The battle of Trafalgar

    England beats Spain and France in a naval fight
  • The treaty of Fontainebleau

    Spain lets France to cross Spain for attack Portugal
  • The Constitution of 1812

    Spain creates the Constitution of 1812 in Cádiz for change the country
  • The treaty of Valencay

    Napoleon finishes the war with Spain
  • tragic week of barcelona

    tragic week of barcelona
    The rifeños attacked the railway so Maura decided to put up defenses in those areas.
  • Desastre de Annual

    Desastre de Annual
    General Fernandez Silvestre made a military mistake, added to the great performance of Adb el Krim, which led to this great disaster.
  • Period: to

    Military and civil directory

    The military directory is from 1923 to 1925. The civil directory is from 1925 to 1930. These deal with the problems of both the army and the government.
  • Golpe de estado.

    Golpe de estado.
    The causes must be found in the problems between 1917 and 1923, where there is a crisis in government, social conflicts, discontent in the army, the rise of peripheral nationalism and the triumph of fascism in Italy.
  • End of the dictatorship.

    End of the dictatorship.
    Primo de Rivera resigned in January 1930, seeing that he did not have the support of anyone. Alfonso XIII commissioned Berenguer to form a government.
  • The constitución of 1931

    The constitución of 1931
    They started the elections and the republicans and socialists won
  • Creation of the second republic

    The Pacto of San Sebastián creates the second republic
  • The problema of Casas Viejas

    The workers and farmers started to get angry because of the agrary reform
  • The goverment of Lerroux

    Lerroux enter in the goverment and create some contrarreforms than affect to the republic
  • The Revolution of 1934

    3 ministers of CEDA join in the goverment of Gil Robles, the UGT started the general strikes and create a lot of problems in society
  • Advance towards Madrid.

    The objective of the rebels was to conquer Madrid. Here the rebels crossed the strait, reached Cadiz where they would later arrive at the queipo in Seville. They entered Talavera and Toledo.
  • The militar pronouncement in 1936

    Franco started the pronouncement in 17 of july in morocco after the victory of the Frente Popular and Mola started in the north of Spain
  • The destruction of Guernica

    The Cóndor army destroys with bombs Guernica, in the north of Spain.
  • The Battle of Ebro

    The nacionalist army try to separate Cataluña from the territory of the republic with the death of thousands of people
  • Blue period

    Is a period when the (falange) has the best years
  • End of the Civil War.

    Republicans and rebels sign a pact to end the war. Franco and his troops would enter Madrid and end up taking it over and Franco would sign the last part of the war.
  • Creation of the organic law of the state

    It separates the goverment from the state
  • Descomposition of the state

    Is a period where Franco starts to have a lot of problems at the same time
  • Franco's death

    In 1975 Franco dies and let the spanish state
  • Manifestations in 1976

    In 1976 they started to appear a lot of manifestations for the freedom
  • Dimision of Arias Navarro

    Arias Navarro lets the state un 1976 because of a lot of problems in the state
  • Constitution of 1978

    Adolfo Suárez thinks about doing some changes in the state and one of them is the constitution
  • The UCD wins the elections

    In 1979 the UCD win the elections with PSOE in the back
  • Tejero tries to do a state hit

    In 1981 Antonio Tejero tries to do a sate hit but he fails
  • PSOE wins the elections

    In 1982 the PSOE wins the elections
  • Spain joins in CEE

    Spain joins in CEE in 1986
  • Treat of Ajuria Enea

    All the politic groups of the Basque Country fight with the terrorism
  • Aznar wins the elections

    Aznar wins the elections in 1996
  • The pandemic of Coronavirus 19

    In 2020 a dangerous virus starts to provocate a lot of problems in all the world