
Hist 2302 Timeline

  • 1492

    Discovery of the New World

    Discovery of the New World
    The discovery of the Americas in 1492 opened up the world to new territory, cultures, foods, and precious metals. It forever changed the world as the Europeans and Native Americans knew it. The New World would later become a breeding ground for new systems of thought and economics
  • Portuguese Trading Empire 1501-95

    Portuguese Trading Empire 1501-95
    In the 16th century, the Portuguese took over trading in the Indian Ocean using force. This encouraged a relationship of distrust between the Europeans and the Asians.
  • Beginning of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

    Beginning of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade
    The trans-Atlantic slave trade began in the late 16th century when African tribes sold their captives to Europeans. It continued for centuries, displacing and devastating the population of the African continent
  • Japan's Isolationism begins

    Japan's Isolationism begins
    After decades of entertaining missionaries and foreign trade, Japan decided to close off its border to everyone except the Dutch.
  • Peter the Great 1689-1725

    Peter the Great 1689-1725
    Peter the Great was influenced by Europe, and took what he thought were the best parts and reformed Russia. His reign exemplifies the Russian struggle to resist Westernization, while using the best parts of it.
  • Industrialization Brings a New Social and Political Order

    Industrialization Brings a New Social and Political Order
    Beginning in Britain, industrialization led to the urbanization of many countries, a new age of Imperialism, and the creation of a middle class.
  • Haitian Independence

    Haitian Independence
    After tension and fighting broke out among whites and mulattos, their slaves rose up to fight for their independence and won. This created fear in many countries with large slave populations and led to the abolition of slavery in many South American countries.
  • The Opium Wars

    The Opium Wars
    (1839-42 and 1856-60) The Opium Wars between the Chinese and the British resulted in the addiction of millions of Chinese, resentment between the two countries, and the establishment of British dominance over Asia.
  • Scramble for Africa 1870-1919

    Scramble for Africa 1870-1919
    Industrialization increased the demand for raw goods and a desire for economic nationalism. This resulted in the "Scramble for Africa" between European countries
  • Mexican Industrialization Leads to Revolution

    Mexican Industrialization Leads to Revolution
    Decades of rapid industrialization encouraged by the Mexican government left many Mexicans feeling ignored amidst financial suffering. The Mexican Revolution took place from 1910-1920
  • The Great War (1914-1918)

    The Great War (1914-1918)
    The Great War was more devastating than any previous war due to the introduction of trench warfare, advancements in weaponry, and use of mustard gas. It led to unstable economies and disillusioned artists
  • Formation of the USSR

    Formation of the USSR
    The formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics unsettled the rest of the world. It was the very beginning of polarization between the democratic West and Communist East in Europe.
  • Hitler Rebuilds Germany

    Hitler Rebuilds Germany
    Hitler's rebuilding of Germany gave them a greater sense of nationalism and pride. It gave Hitler the ability to "retake" the German parts of surrounding countries, and eventually start World War Two.
  • Korean War (1950-53)

    Korean War (1950-53)
    The Korean War was the first time the Cold War resulted in real combat. It never officially ended. Its result was further polarization between capitalist and communist countries
  • Iranian Oil Crisis and Revolution

    Iranian Oil Crisis and Revolution
    An economic downturn in Iran led the Iranian revolution. This allowed the country to be turned into a radical Islamic state.