HHG Killy C

By KC1096
  • Ancestry

    1) Ancestry: SOCIAL/PHYSICAL
    -greatgrandparents from father's side move to Canada from Ireland and France
    -grandparents from mother's side move to Canada from Germany
    -all settle in Ontario thus impacting the relationship of my mother and father
    *significance-subsequently resulting in my birth
    (birth certificate, etc)
  • Walking

    3) Walking: PHYSICAL
    -at 6 months
    -did not crawl, started pulling myself up next to the coffee table or couch and started taking steps
    *significance-mobility, increased ability to explore surroundings
  • Birth

    -Tuesday, December 10th, 1996
    -only child, pets

    *significance-results in starting school before the required age of 4
  • Talking

    4) Talking: SOCIAL/COGNITIVE
    -at 9 months
    -first words, "Da" when seeing father, "Oh-oh" ie. when toys fell or heard loud noise
    *significance-early communicative ability
  • Activities outside of home

    Activities outside of home
    5) Activities outside of home: SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL/COGNITIVE/PHYSICAL
    -walked to duck pond with mother, fed baby ducks
    -accompanied mother on errands like grocery shopping, laundry, part-time work
    -attended Kindermusik and participated in classroom setting
    -attended local live music performances
    -attended sporting events like father's slo-pitch games
    -attended family celebrations, played with neighbours
    *significance-becoming excited about going to school, healthy interaction and stimulation, deve
  • Minor Soccer League

    Minor Soccer League
    6) Played Minor Soccer: PHYSICAL/SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL
    *significance-increased gross motor skills, learned "teamplayer" concepts, coach's son became close friend in school
  • Starting School

    Starting School
    7) Kindergarten/Public School: COGNITIVE/SOCIAL/PHYSICAL/EMOTIONAL
    -Forest Hill Public School, Westmount Road, Kitchener
    -JK to Grade 6, 2000-2007
    -participated in reading/writing/arithmetic/science/art/gym, fieldtrips, concerts, assemblies, teams
    *significance-exposed to many cognitive and sensory stimulations, understanding of the diversity of families and cultures
  • Learn to Ride a Bike

    Learn to Ride a Bike
    9) Learned to ride a bike without training wheels: PHYSICAL
    *significance-increased gross motor skills, confidence
  • Getting Braces

    Getting Braces
    -overcame fear of unknown
    -learned about medical reasons for re-adjusting bite
    *significance-oral health
  • Played Minor Sports

    Played Minor Sports
    12) Played Minor Sports (Basketball, Baseball, Soccer): PHYSICAL/SOCIAL/EMOTIONAL/COGNITIVE
    -team sports
    *significance-continued to build on appreciation of intellectual component of game
  • First Airplane Ride

    11) Went on first airplane ride to Ottawa: EMOTIONAL
    *significance-overcame fear
  • Referee, Job

    13) Umpired/Refereed: COGNITIVE/EMOTIONAL
    -withstood verbal abuse, stood ground when making decisions to the best of my ability
    *significance-earned community volunteer hours
  • Grade 8 trip to Ottawa

    14) Grade 8 End of School Year Trip
    -first significant length of time away from home and parents
    *confidence builder, appreciation of home, independence experience
  • Start High School

    Start High School
    15) Started Highschool: COGNITIVE/EMOTIONAL/SOCIAL
    -first exams, Lit Test
    *significance-shared a role in course selection and able to start on a career path
  • Part time job at Sobeys

    Part time job at Sobeys
    15) Part-time Job: COGNITIVE/EMOTIONAL
    *significance-earning money for further education (paycheques)
  • Coaching

    *significance-earning experience for future goals
    - Under 13 KW Vipers rep basketball team coaching, interact with kids help them develop skills and character
  • Graduate High School, University

    17) Graduating Highschool/applying to University: EMOTIONAL
    *significance-continuing to stay on chosen career path
    - develop process, Piaget ultimate development stage