Growing Up Digital MIL Pua, John Lloyd

  • My first encounter in media (2005-2010)

    My first encounter in media (2005-2010)
    From the moment I was born in 2005, television was a constant presence in my life. I was unknowingly exposed to this traditional form of media, which quickly became the most common source of entertainment in my household. As a baby, I may not have fully understood what was happening on the screen, but the sounds and bright colors captured my attention nonetheless.
  • Exploring the world books and magazine (2010-2012)

    Exploring the world books and magazine (2010-2012)
    When I was 6 to 7 years old, I discovered the joys of reading through print media like books, magazines, and newspapers. I started reading books on my own, devouring stories about adventure, fantasy, and mystery. Reading print media not only sparked my imagination, but also helped me develop my reading skills and learn new things about the world around me.
  • My first navigation to online media (2013)

    My first navigation to online media (2013)
    In 2013, when I was just 7 years old, my parents gave me a tablet that opened up a whole new world of social media for me. They carefully monitored my online activity, but allowed me to explore platforms like Facebook, and YouTube under their guidance.
    Through their guidance, I learned to create my own profiles and started following friends and family. I also discovered the world of YouTube, spending hours watching videos and discovering new creators.
  • Exploring the depths of social media (2014-2017)

    Exploring the depths of social media (2014-2017)
    During my early adolescence, from the ages of 9 to 12 years old, my curiosity about social media only continued to grow. With the use of computer I began to explore new platforms and connect with others online. Through my experiences with social media during this time period, I was able to discover new communities and interests. I found people who shared my passions for gaming, drumming, and eating, and connected with them on a level that I had not previously experienced.
  • From viewer to player:my journey into the gaming community(2017-2022)

    From viewer to player:my journey into the gaming community(2017-2022)
    As I entered my late adolescence, my interests in new media began to shift towards the gaming community. With the help of my 3rd phone and computer, I started to explore different games and platforms and began forming relationships with other gamers through Discord. Everyday, I would spend hours gaming with friends, strategizing, and having voice chats on Discord. It became a regular part of my daily routine and a way for me to unwind and connect with others in a meaningful way.
  • Lockdown And Chill (2019-2022)

    Lockdown And Chill (2019-2022)
    During the pandemic, with more time spent at home. I found myself diving deeper into the vast selection of movies and TV shows available on platforms like Netflix and animedao. I would often spend hours binge-watching entire seasons of my favorite shows, or discovering new titles recommended by friends. As the pandemic wore on, streaming became not just a pastime, but a lifeline for me and many others, providing a welcome distraction and comfort during those hopeless times.
  • Podcast Pioneers: My introduction to the world of storytelling through headphones (2023)

    Podcast Pioneers: My introduction to the world of storytelling through headphones (2023)
    In 2023, I discovered the world of podcasts thanks to my favorite YouTuber. They had mentioned their own podcast in one of their videos, so I decided to check it out. From there, I started exploring other podcasts on a variety of topics, such as true crime, comedy, and politics. I found myself getting lost in the stories and conversations, and before I knew it, I was listening to podcasts while doing chores, and even before bed. I never thought I would become so engrossed in audio content