Government Assignment

  • Moving

    I moved from Cheltenham to Abington on November 1st. I wasn't even one year old at the time, but it was still a significant event. If my family would not have moved, I would not have met the people I did. I would not even be at this school doing this project. Although I don't remember moving, it impacted my life in more ways that I can say.
  • Birthday

    I was born at home in my old house in Cheltenham. I am the third child of a family of 6.
  • War in Afghanistan

    War in Afghanistan
    After 9/11 America declares war on Afghanistan. We intensely bombed Afghanistan in response to the terrorist attack. We were trying to attack the Taliban government and Osama bin Laden’s al-Qaida organization. We over threw the government. This showed that America is a powerful nation.(
  • World Trade Tower Terrorist Attack

    World Trade Tower Terrorist Attack
    This is an event that affected this world in more ways than one. It was the worst terrorist attack in the US history. Terrorists took over the plane and crashed each one to into each of the buildings. 3,000 people were killed. Although, it brought much horror and and depression it also brought patriotism. Americans came together and helped one another. Everyone worked together and helped. (
  • No Child Left Behind Act

    No Child Left Behind Act
    The No Child Left behind Act was passed in 2000. This act was to help improve students test scores and help them get a better education. Public shools get funds to help them get the students a good education. This act is why we take standardized testing. All students get an equal chance to have a well rounded education.
  • US goes to War with Iraq

    US goes to War with Iraq
    Invading Iraq was important in American history. People can never know how the war will go, anything could happen. Troops were sent to protect us and our freedom. America's strategy was to go in a have a massive bombardment and it went well, at first. Later it took a toll on America. Trillions of dollars were spent and many troops were killed. Bush underestimated how it would go. (
  • Exploration of Mars

    Exploration of Mars
    In 2003, NASA sent a probe up into space. It landed on mars. It collected pictures and videos of mars. This gives us a better understanding of Mars. We can now understand Mar's geology and its potential to be a habitat. (
  • Ivan's(brother) Birthday

    Ivan's(brother) Birthday
    My brother was born at Abington Hospital on April 9th 2004. This is significant because when he was born my mom had complications. Because of these complications, my mom was hospitalized six weeks. I had to be taken away from her and live with my aunt in Harrisburg. My dad was working and had to take care of my other siblings. This was traumatizing for awhile because I was always scared my mom would leave me, because at a young age all I knew was she left me.
  • Ocean City NJ

    Ocean City NJ
    My family goes to Ocean City NJ every year. It has been a tradition since I can remember. We usually go in September/October. It is significant because I look forward to it and it is like a second home to me.
  • Nancy Pelosi

    Nancy Pelosi
    In 2006 the democrats won and took control of the House of Representatives. Everyone picked Nancy to be the speaker. This position has never been held by a women. This shows that America is seeing women differently. In the past women could not even vote, being a speaker for the House of Representatives is a great change.(
  • Colorado

    I went to Colorado when I was eight. We went down there to visit Andrew Wommack's church. Andrew Wommack is an evangelist. There was a day camp for the kids, while the parents listened to Andrew preach. This is a significant event because at this camp I got saved and devoted my life and heart to the Lord and Savior.
  • Bush Signs $700 billion Bailout

    Bush Signs $700 billion Bailout
    The financial service industry went into debt so Bush has to sign a $700 billion bailout. There was much greed in the Wall Street Firms and there were housing, banking, and mortgage problems.Many jobs were lost. This is important because our economy and society could have gone into a depression if Bush didn't write the bailout. On the other side, this country is in huge debt partly because of this bailout.
  • Obama becomes president

    Obama becomes president
    When Obama became president although may not have effected us personally it effected this state and country, which effected us indirectly. For example, Obama care makes you have medical health. Many other laws were passed that changed the way things worked.
  • Obama Care

    Obama Care
    The Affordable Care Act was created to help reform healthcare. 7.3 million people joined this act. Obama wanted to give Americans more affordable and quality healthcare. This was important because it helped many Americans have better health for an affordable price.(
  • Deepwater Horizon oil spill

    Deepwater Horizon oil spill
    It was the largest oil spill in America. Many people volunteered and helped under the management of the Federal government. They tried to contain the impact it would have on the environment and humans. $14 billion was spent in order to clean up the oil. This affected our environment greatly. It will teach everyone working at the oil rig to be more careful when dealing with oil. (
  • French Exchange Student

    French Exchange Student
    I have had 3 French exchange students. I had two girls and one boy. They stayed at my house for about two weeks each. When there were here the taught all about the French customs. They taught us their ways of life and different traditions. We got to see a different culture. Also depending on where they lived the customs or traditions slightly differentiated. It was cool to see how our lives were different and what was the same.
  • Hurricane Sandy

    Hurricane Sandy
    Hurricane Sandy was a devastating storm. Sandy was a category 3 hurricane and killed 285 people. Before Sandy even hit the Atlantic, the Federal government was prepared and ready to help citizens. This is important because the government was actually quick to respond and helped and probably saved many people, in such a devastating storm.(
  • Disney World Vacation

    Disney World Vacation
    2012 was the first time going to Disney World. We went down over Thanksgiving break. While down there we celebrated my 12th birthday in Norway Epcot. All of the waitresses sang to me and they brought out a huge cake with "Princess Gina" written on it.
  • Farmshow

    I go to the Farmshow every year. I only started working at the milkshake stand when I was 13. The milkshake stand is a no profit organization. All the money they get goes to charities. For example, cancer foundation, Leukemia research, children's hospital, etc. It feels good to help out and be part of something that can change a family or kids life.
  • Softball Trophy

    Softball Trophy
    In 2013 I played softball for Cheltenham.(traitor I know) That year was a great softball year. Although we did not make it into championships, only won one game of the season, and had a mercy rule of 33-1, we lost, on a game, I still got a trophy. I had no idea I was getting it. We were with our teams at the closing ceremony and they called my name saying I won a citizenship trophy. I had to walk up I front of everyone, claim my trophy and get pictures with my coach.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    2013 marked the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther Kings "I Have a Dream" speech. There were many people who spoke to, the tens of thousands of people, on the same steps King gave his speech. They discussed everything from the Supreme court to racism and sexism. King speech impacted America in a special way, that is obviously still relevant today. (
  • Ebola

    Ebola has been discovered 1976, but an outbreak started in 2014. A doctor came over from Africa and spread the virus. It is a very spreadable disease. This effected America because everyone got shots and prepared like it was an "apocalypse". The government had to quarantine the people who got it.(
  • Sandy Hook

    Sandy Hook
    Adam Lanza went into Sandy hook elementary school and shot 26 kids. It was traumatic time for America. Parents and adults everywhere were emotional. Obama gave a speech that touched many people. This event lead to security increasing in numerous schools. There were many memorials and protests that came out of this. (
  • My Dad's Heart Attack

    My Dad's Heart Attack
    My Dad just recently had a heart attack. It was caused from not eating right and not taking care of his body. This affected my family by bringing us closer together, to be grateful for what we have, and that life is short so make it what you can. We also started watching are food habits. It was a scary event, but taught us many life lessons.
  • First Day of Work

    First Day of Work
    My first day of work was at the Chestnut Hill market. I work at Ranks and wash dishes and serve people. This is important because now every Saturday I work 10 hours. It is a long, hard day. I do work with my sister which is nice.
  • Louisiana Flooding

    Louisiana Flooding
    The flooding in Louisiana was extremely devastating. 13 people were killed and 106,000 people had to ask for help from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Obama went to Louisiana and sought out the damage. There was a conflict between people because some thought Obama was too slow to respond to the scene. Other people praised him for going down when he did.(