
German Unification Timeline

  • Napoleon Raids German Lands

    Napoleon Raids German Lands
    Between 1806-1812. Napoleon created new territory changes, annexes, dissolved the roman empire, organized Rhine confederation, promoted the freeing of serfs, made trade easier, and abolished laws against jews.
  • Bismarck Unites Germany

    Bismarck Unites Germany
    Otto van Bismarck went from a diplomat to a prime minister, then to a chancellor and used policy of "Blood Adrigon" to unite German States.
  • Prussia Declares War With Denmark and Austria

    Prussia Declares War With Denmark and Austria
    Bismarck formed an alliance with Austria. They seized provinces and liberated Denmark.
    1866-Bismarck attacked Austria. Prussian victory. German Confederation dissolved. Prussia dominated the new confederation.
  • France Declares War on Prussia

    France Declares War on Prussia
    Bismarck released telegram to press written by French Embassador. Edits made it seem William insulted the French Men. Napoleon !!! declared war on Prussia, like Bismarck hoped. Napoleon surrenders within a few weeks.
  • German Empire is Born

    German Empire is Born
    William I became kaiser. Celebration of birth of second Reich. 2- house legislature: Bundesrat (upper house) Reichstag (lower)