German Unification

By 18wadek
  • Young Italy

    Young Italy
    This organization was used to convince Italianas to support unification. This was founded by Giuseppe Mazzini.
  • young italy

    young italy
    young italy has agined up to 60,000 members in 1833.
  • Speech to the frankfort assembly

    Speech to the frankfort assembly
    Johann Gustav Droysen states that prussia will eventually merge with germany and its monarchy is wholly german.
  • Crowning of Friedrich Wilhelm IV

    Crowning of Friedrich Wilhelm IV
    Friedrich Wilhelm will not accept being crowned because the people have to give their approval of him first. Also he does not accept the constitution that they want him to apply.
  • War between Prussia and Austria

    War between Prussia and Austria
    A war between Austria and Prussia broke out in 1866 but also ended soon enough. Germany did not gain control of Austria, which they very much wanted, for winning the war, but the establishment of power.
  • King Wilhelm

    King Wilhelm
    He assumed crown of emperor in 1871 when he was called forth by the German Imperial Office. He had two duties, to protect the rights of the people and promote peace.