German confederation flag 1848

German Unification

By cwilk
  • Period: to

    Richard Wagner

    Richard Wagner
    Wilhelm Richard Wagner was a German composer, conductor, theatre director and polemicist primarily known for his operas.
    Wagner was born on May 22, 1813 in Leipzig and died February 13, 1883 in Venice.
    Wagner was married to Cosima Wagner (m. 1870) and Minna Planer (m. 1836–1866) His compositions include: Der Ring des Nibelungen, Tristan und Isolde, Lohengrin and more. Movies: Parsifal
    Libretti: Der Ring des Nibelungen, Tristan und Isolde, Lohengrin, Die Walküre, Parsifal, More
  • Wilhelm I

    Wilhelm I
    Wilhem the first is crowned king of Prussia
  • New Primeminister

    New Primeminister
    Otto von Bismark was made the new Primeminister of Prussia
    "A government must not waiver once it has chosen it's course. It must not look to the left or right but go forward"
  • War v.s Denmark

    War v.s Denmark
    Austria and Prussia staged war against Denmark. The peace treaty was unsuccessful and Denmark was forced to serender to Prussias terms.
  • Convention of Gastein

    Convention of Gastein
    Austria got Holstein which is right next to Prussia and Prussia got Schleswig. Bismark did this on purpouse because he knew this would eventually lead to confrentation with Austria.
  • Violence provoked

    Violence provoked
    Otto von Bismark provokes vilolence between Austria and Prussia over a little town Holstein. After the violence started there was a seven week war.
  • Northern Confederation of Germany

    Northern Confederation of Germany
    Bismarck set up the Northern Confederation of Germany which made Prussia the most powerful germanic state. Although Austria still had control of the south."A conquering Army on the boarder will not be stopped by eloquence"-1867 speech to Northern German Reichstag
    "Let us lift Germany, so to speak, into the saddle. It will surely be able to ride"
  • Nationalism Ideals

    Nationalism Ideals
    Bismarck offended the French by trying to place someone of Wilhelm’s family on the Spanish throne. Bismarck purposefully tried to make Wilhelm look rude to the French.
    Eventually the French declared war on Prussia
    who quickly defeated France and captured their King, Napoleon 3
    All other German states except for Austria join Prussia because of their gaining power and Nationalism ideals.
  • Bismark is Chancellor

    Bismark is Chancellor
    German Empire was declared in Versailles, Wilhelm is crowned emperor and Bismarck became chancellor.
    "With a gentleman I try and be a gentleman and a half and with a fraud I try to be a fraud and a half"
  • Kaiser Wilhelm the first

    Kaiser Wilhelm the first
    Wilhelm the first becomes the Kaiser of Germany and Otto von Bismark becomes the chancellor.