German and Italian Unification

By fbutrym
  • Revolution of 1848

    Mazzini was a writer, orator, and founder of young Italy. He dedicated most of his life to secure unity for his country. He transmitted his patriotic message to everyone. In this revolution his followers seized the Papal states. After he was driven out of the country he still tried to spread his ideas from other countries
  • Victor Emmanuel II Becomes King

    Victor Emmanuel II became king of Sardinia Piedmont . He retained the nation's liberla constitution and also agreed with and supported Cavour's polocies.
  • Cavour is Appointed Prime Minister

    In 1852 Cavour became the Prime Minister of Sardinia-Piedmont . He strengthened the country by Promoting industry, Building railroads, Improving agriculture,fostering education and enlarging the army. He later died in 1861.
  • Lombardy

    Cavour made a deal with Napoleon, in which if he was attacked by Autrsia in Italy, then the French would come in and defeat the Austrians. So, carvour purposely taunted Austria into declaring war so that the French would take care of the Autrians,and then Cavour coukd take that part of Italy.
  • Papal States

    During Garibaldi was conquering Sicilies, Carvour ordered his troops to annex the Papal States. This joined North and South Italy together.
  • The Duchies

    In Parma, Modena, and Tuscany, the people drove out their pro-Austrian rulers and, by plebiscites, voted for annexation to Sardinia- Peidmont
  • The Two Sicilies

    Garibaldi came to the aid of Sicilian and Neapolitan revolutions. He saild to Sicily from Piedmont with an army of 1000 men, called Red Shirts. He soon gained complete control of two Sicilies. Then they united this part with Victor Emmanuel's part of Italy.
  • Garibaldi Conquers the Two Sicilies

    Garibaldi and his troops stormed Siciliy and took it from the Austrians. This was one the starting point of the Unification of Italy.
  • Creation of Prussian Military Power

    In 1862 the governments request for increased military funds was defeated in the Prussian Legislature, its liberal majority opposed militarism and distrusted Bismarck, So, Bismarck ignored the lawmakers violated the Prussian Constitution, and from 1862 to 1867 governed virtually as a dictator. He and Moltke created a powerful Prussian military machine.
  • The Danish War

    Bismarck brought about a war with Denmark over provinces of Schleswig and Holstein. Prussia, joined by Austria, easily defeated Denmark and compelled it to cede Schelswig Holstein. Prussia and Austria became joint owners of two provinces.
  • Venetia

    Italy allied itself with Prussia against Austria. Italians invaded Venetia but were defeated. But the Prussian armies quickly overhwlemed the Austrians. By the peace treaty Austria ceded Ventia to Italy.
  • Austro-Prussian War

    Bismarck purposley fought with Austria about provinces, and provoked a war. Its purpose was to end Austrian power in Germany. Prussia was allied with Italy, which wanted Italian inhabited territory held by Austria. Austria was then overwhelmed and defeated. By a peace treaty, Austria agreed to the annexation and to end power over german confederation. Bismarck expected good results from this treaty.
  • Establishment of North German Confederation

    After Austro-Prussian war, Bismarck annexed north states and compelled remaining ones to join in Prussian Dominated North German confederation. Only four south german states remained outside germman confederation.
  • The Franco Prussian War

    Bismarck desired war with France so germna would see wartime nationalism and would merge into Prussian controlled and unifies Germany. napoleon declared war on prussia, but lost as their country was taken over. Treaty of Frankfurt gave Germany Alsace and Lorraine, both rich in naturla resources. Bismarck treated France very harshly.
  • Rome

    Because of Franco-Prussian War, France withdrew troops protecting the pope in Rome. Then, Italian forces occupied the city. Following a plebiscite, Rome was annexed and designated the capital of Italy.
  • Establishment of German Empire

    During Franco Prussian war, four south german states consented unification with Prussia. in 1871 at the Palace of Versailles outside Paris, Bismarck proclaimed William I as Kaiser of the German Empire.