
Genocide in Rwanda

  • Germany controls Rwanda

    Germany controls Rwanda
    Germany gets power hungry. So they try and get more power.
  • Period: to

    Rwanda Misery

  • Belgium gains control of Rwanda

    Belgium gains control of Rwanda
    Germany has lost world war one. They get no more association with Rwanda.
  • Rwanda Gains their Independence

    Rwanda Gains their Independence
  • Civil War begins

    Civil War begins
    Hutu controlled government and Tutsi rebel forces clash. The Rwandan Patriotic Front.
  • Genocide

    800,000 people die in 100 days. This consists of very few guns and lots of knives, swords and machete type weapons.
  • RPF Ends Genocide

    RPF Ends Genocide
    RPF has won a bloody brutal war. They also have won control of the government.
  • War Crimes Trails Begin

    War Crimes Trails Begin
  • Agology from President Clinton

    Agology from President Clinton
  • 26 defendents executed

    26 defendents executed
    For war crimes against Rwandan Government. Later Rwanda outlaws death penalty.
  • Gacaca Courts Setup

    Gacaca Courts Setup
    Brief trials guilty are given lighter sentences if they confess. 100,000 people await trial for genocide.