We Wish to Inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families

  • Fresh start

    The Tutsi monarchy is abolished and 7 Months later Rwanda gains its independence.
  • Mayuyas assasination

    Mayuya was assasinated in April 1988. Rwanda suffered a nearly 50% budget cut
  • Multipolitical party

    Habyarimana announced that it was time to establish a multyparty political system in Rwanda.
  • Rebels

    A rebel group calling itself the Rwandese Patriotic Front, invaded North Eastern Rwanda and declared war against the Habyarimana regime. They wanted a political program that would end the Tyranny, corruption, and the ideology of exclusion. (page 82)
  • Early Spread of Hate

    July 8, 1993 RTLM (Radio Télévison des Milles Collines) begins broadcasting and spreading hate toward Tutsi individuals.
  • North American Free trade agreement

    This agreement,(NAFTA), creating a large tariff-free zone linking three major countries: Canada, The United States, and Mexico. It was created to make more Made in America jobs.
  • New Constitution

    A new constitution lead to the existance of seperate political parties
  • Queen Elizabeth

    Queen Elizabeth fell down from her horse and broke her left wrist
  • Withdraw of U.S. Troops

    After a number of disastrous military operations in Somalia America withdrew their troops on. The instability in Somalia continues to this day.
  • Period: to

    Count of deaths

    Between April and June 1994(nearly 100 days), an estimated 800,000 Rwandans were killed by Hutu forces.
  • the start of the genocide

    April 7 1994 was the beginning of the mass murder of the Tutsis in Rwanda. It started with the Plane crash of Rwandan leader, President Habyarimana.
  • Massacre at Gikondo

    Massacre at Gikondo - hundreds of Tutsis are killed in the Pallottine Missionary Catholic Church. Since the killers were clearly targeting only Tutsi, the Gikondo massacre was the first clear sign that a genocide was occurring
  • Edmond

    Edmond was stopped by interahamwe ata road block and was forced to lead them to his house. He told them that he didn't want his family dismembered so they offered him to throw them down a latrine well, so he did. His children and his sister and brother in law.
  • Period: to

    Nyarubuye Roman Church Massacre

    Massacre at the Nyarubuye Roman Catholic Church - thousands of Tutsi are killed, first by grenades and guns and then by machetes and clubs.
  • Kibuye Massacres

    April 18, 1994 The Kibuye Massacres. An estimated 12,000 Tutsis are killed after sheltering at the Gatwaro stadium in Gitesi. Another 50,000 are killed in the hills of Bisesero. More are killed in the town's hospital and church
  • Cleanup day

    The RTLM proclaimed that this day they would finally eliminate all the Tutsis that live in KIgali.
  • Aftermath

    Most Hutus Fled to Zaire( Democratic party of Congo) after the RPF took over presidential control.
  • Frohardt

    In 1994, justr six months after the genocide Frohardt started to hear people say that the genocide did happen and that it was time to get over it and try to rebuild the country.
  • Return of exile

    Haiti's former leader Jean-Bertrand Aristide arrived in the capital Port-au-Prince after seven years of exile in South Africa.
    The former leader returned just two days before Haiti's presidential run-off vote.
  • Ronald Reagan's illnes

    Former US President Ronald Reagan confirms the long-suspected rumors that he is suffering from a disease, Alzheimer.
  • Kibeho

    Gourevitch was talking to Kibeho. Kibeho explained how the UN camps around Rwanda had created more problems than solved and the reason and effect of them being shut down.
  • Public announcement

    General Dallaire went n Canadian television and said that he was entirely responsible for the deaths of soldiers and Rwandans because the mission had failed.