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Lexi's human rights violations period 9

  • Period: to

    Lexi's human rightsd violations period 9

  • armenian massacre

    armenian massacre
    this took place in the ottoman empire (present day turkey). it was conflict between the ottomans (mostly turkish people) and armenians. the turkish people were killing people because they were racist to the armenians. the people affected were between 1 million and 1.5 million
  • Soviet purges

    Soviet purges
    The soviet union was involved. Th epurge was motivied by the desire on the part leadership to remove dissenters from the pary. 16,000 people were killed.
  • German Holocaust

    German Holocaust
    It took place in Europe. Prsecution and murder of approximately six million Jews and other ethnic groups. They transported them to concentration camps. They were murdering millions of people because of there hatred toward jews. Six million people were affected.
  • Rape of Nanjing

    Rape of Nanjing
    Took place in China. The Chines, japanses were all involved. The Japanse were killing people for no reason. It happened becasue the Japanse people were racist toward the chines. 300,000 people were affected.
  • south african aparthide

    south african aparthide
    this took place in 1948. it was just like american racism with the whites being superior to the blacks. however this one was more serious. the whites were in controll of everything in south africa even though more than 90% of the entire population in south africa was black. this affected more than 1,000,000 blacks due to them being treated like slaves. this ended in 1990 which by then only a few people were racist
  • My Lai Massacre

    My Lai Massacre
    The Vietnamese people were the pople that were iunvolved. When the misson unfolded, it soon dengrated into the massacre of over 300 aparently unarmed civilians including women, children, and the elderly. Calley's was charged with murder in september 1969.
  • Chile under Augusto Pinochet

    Chile under Augusto Pinochet
    Chile was involved. The military rule was characterized by systematic suppression of all political dissidence. the was 3200 people affected.
  • missing people under Juan Peron in Argentina

    missing people under Juan Peron in Argentina
    It took place in Argentina. trade unions, students, journalists, marksists, perrnist, guerrillias were the ones involved, the human rights was caried out by the upper class tougering the lower class. period of state terisam. It happened becasue most of the people during this time were comunist. 30,000 people were affected.
  • Iraq under Saddam Hussein

    Iraq under Saddam Hussein
    they were about 182,000
  • somila cival war

    somila cival war
    The somilan people were involved. IT took place in Somila .350,000 to 1,000,000 people have died because of this conflict. The somali Republic ganed independence on July 1,1960. Somlia was formed by the british
  • Gnocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    Gnocide in Bosnia and Herzegovina
    The serbians were the ones involved. 8,000 pfeople were affected. people were raped, murdered, and comited suicide.several authorities, along with a considerable number of legal scholars, asserted that ethnic cleansing as carried out by elements of the Bosnian Serb army was genocide.
  • rwanda genoside

    this genoside takes place in rwanda. this genoside involved a conflict between the tutsis and hutus. this was due to a clan rivaly that lasts for centuries. the tutsis had a power in rwanda and were treating the hutus badly. as many as 20% of rwanda's population died due to this genoside
  • rwanda genoside

    rwanda genoside
    this genoside takes place in rwanda. this genoside involved a conflict between the tutsis and hutus. this was due to a clan rivaly that lasts for centuries. the tutsis had a power in rwanda and were treating the hutus badly. as many as 20% of rwanda's population died due to this genoside
  • Darfur conflict

    Darfur conflict
    took place in Sudan. Arab Janjaweed militants were involved. They supported the Khartoum government. The humans rights were violated by unfolding humanitarian catastrophe have been given to hurried generalizations. The Arabs tried to get rid of the Africans. Several Hundred thousand people were killed.
  • Seirre Leone and child soldiers

    Seirre Leone and child soldiers
    Took place at Grafton Camp.300,00 peopla were afrfected. Presedent Ernest Bai Koroma made meaningful progress in adressing endemic corruption and improving acess to justice and key economic rights. Today there may be as many as 300,000 shild soldiers in more than 50 conflicts around the world.
  • pol pot & khmer rouge

    this took place in cambodia. it was a conflict between the khmer rouge and the cambodians. the cambodians didn't support communism while the khmer rouge did. because of this the khmer rouge killed cambodians for being "non-communist". thousands of people died for hating communism.