
Genesis of Cognitivism as a School of Thought

  • Period: to

    Theorist Timeline

  • Lev Vygotsky

    Lev Vygotsky
    • University of Moscow: 1913-1917
    • The Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)
    • Socio-cultural levels of interaction: individual, social, cultural
    • Play connected to cognitive growth
  • Edward Chace Tolman

    Edward Chace Tolman
    • Earned PhD in 1915, spent career teaching psychology at Berkeley in California (1918-1959)
    • Psychological work - studying rats in mazes, animal cognition (experiments conducted in 1920s).
    • Founded concept of latent learning
  • Jean Piaget

    Jean Piaget
    • Genetic epistemologist
    • Schemata: "building blocks of knowledge"
    • Assimilation and Accommodation: methods of processing new information
    • 4 Stages of Cogntive Development 1/ Sensorimotor (0-2 yrs of age) 2/ Preoperational (2-7 yrs of age) 3/ Concrete Operational (7-11 yrs of age) 4/ Formal Operational (11+ yrs of age)
  • Roger Sperry

    Roger Sperry
    • American Psychobiologist
    • 1937 - receives MA in Psychology from Oberlin; PhD in Zoology 1941 from University of Chicago
    • Discovered human brain composed of two parts - left & right - findings
    • 1981 - won Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine: split-brain research
  • Jerome Bruner

    Jerome Bruner
    • 1939 - received PhD in Psychology from Harvard University.
    • Emphasizes the social nature of learning and importance of scaffolding (link to Vygotsky).
    • Believes ultimate goal of education should be to create autonomous learners - Cognitive Constructivist Theory.
  • George A. Miller

    George A. Miller
    • One of the founders of cognitive psychology - goal is to bring the mind and consciousness back into the experimental aspect of psychology.
    • 1946 - Received PhD from Harvard (work in Psycho Acoustic Lab - tied to WWII)
    • Believed that the human mind can be understood by using an information processing model.
    • Research into short term memory and connection with linguistics.
  • Noam Chomsky

    Noam Chomsky
    • 1928 - earned PhD in linguistics from University of Pennsylvania.
    • MIT professor (1955 to present) - linguistics and psychology background.
    • Theory that languages are innate - the differences we see in languages are parameters developed by our own brains as we age. (Explains why children pick up languages much faster than adults.)
    • “Chomsky hierarchy” - examines classes of formal grammar.
    • Theories have raised questions about how human beings process information.
  • Elizabeth Bates

    Elizabeth Bates
    • Emergentist
    • Lanuage Acquistion: Nativist vs Emergenist approach
    • 3 Stages of Language Acquisition: Pronominal skills, Contrastive reference, Paradigmatic state
    • The Competition Model
  • John Sweller

    John Sweller
    • Australian educational psychologist.
    • 1972 - earned PhD in psychology from University of Adelaide.
    • Authored 80+ academic papers - research emphasis placed on cognitive factors in instructional design.
    • Best know as inventor of Cognitive Load Theory.