Internet Timeline

  • Email was introduced-1972

    Email was introduced-1972
    Email is a thing online that sends you a message when you change your password or email name
  • Google was created -1998

    Google was created -1998
    Larry Page and Sergey Brin creates google. Google is a place online Search where you can search anything and get millions of results in seconds
  • Pandora

    Pandora is a music app that you can download on your computer or smart phone. It gives you choices of songs that you listen to and you can just click on one and listen to your favorite song
  • Myspace was created

    Myspace was created
    Myspace was something that people used before facebook was created. It had less things then facebook now and it isnt popular at all now
  • Facebook was created-2004

    Facebook was created-2004
    Mark Zuckerberg want to school at Harvard and within 24 hours their was 1200 people that had signed up for facebook
  • YouTube was created-2005

    YouTube was created-2005
    YouTube is a website where you can go to look up music or videos of things that your interested in
  • Twitter was created-2006

    Twitter was created-2006
    Twitter is a media were a lot of people get on their and tweet about others and things that they do
  • Instagram was created-2010

    Instagram was created-2010
    Instagram is a app for smart phones where you can follow anyone and you can post and add videos and pictures and anyone can like it or comment on it
  • Snapchat was invented-2011

    Snapchat was invented-2011
    Snapchat is a popular app that everyone uses worldwide. It is the most top growing app downloaded.
  • google play was created-2012

    google play was created-2012
    It is a store on your smart phone where you can get music games books and movies at.