French Timeline

  • Great Fear. Peasants attack noble manors.

    In response to rumors, fearful peasants armed themselves in self-defense and, in some areas, attacked manor houses.
  • Assembly issues Declaration of the Rights of Man

    is a fundamental document of the French Revolution and in the history of human rights
  • King Louis brought from Versailles to Tuileries palace in Paris

    Louis XVI and his family were forced to leave Versailles and brought to the Tuileries where they were kept under surveillance
  • Assembly issues Civil Constitution of the Clergy, requiring elections and oaths.

    was a law passed on 12 July 1790 during the French Revolution, that subordinated the Roman Catholic Church in France to the French government.
  • French army stops Prussians and Austrians at Valmy

    Battle of Valmy was a decisive French victory that stopped the advance of the allied armies, led by the Duke of Brunswick, on their way to Paris to suppress the Revolution and reestablish the absolute monarchy, there
  • Convention abolishes monarchy and declares France a republic

    The First Republic lasted until the declaration of the First French Empire in 1804 under Napoleon I. This period was characterized by the fall of the monarchy, the establishment of the National Convention and the infamous Reign of Terror
  • Convention condemns and executes the King.

    Louis was convicted and condemned to death by a narrow majority. On January 21, he walked steadfastly to the guillotine and was executed
  • Levy-in-Mass (military draft) instituted.

    The term Levée en masse denotes a short-term requisition of all able-bodied men to defend the nation and its rise as a military tactic may be viewed in connection with the political events and developing ideology in revolutionary France
  • "Thermidor:" Robespierre executed, end of terror.

    The Thermidorian Reaction was a revolt in the French Revolution against the excesses of the Reign of Terror. It was triggered by a vote of the National Convention to execute Maximilien Robespierre, Louis Antoine de Saint-Just, and several other leading members of the Terror
  • Churches reopened.

    France's churches and religious orders were closed down and religious worship suppressed
  • French defeat Austrians in northern Italy and make peace

    French defeat Austrians at Fleurus, forcing Austria to abandon Belgium
  • Napoleon's coup d'état abolishes Directory and establishes Consulate

    The Napoleonic era began in 1799 with Napoleon Bonaparte's coup d'état, that overthrew the Directory and established the French Consulate
  • Napoleonic Code promulgated

    The code forbade privileges based on birth, allowed freedom of religion, and specified that government jobs should go to the most qualified.
  • British and Prussians defeat Napoleon at Waterloo; Louis 18th restored

    The Hundred Days sometimes known as the Hundred Days of Napoleon or Napoleon's Hundred Days marked the period between Emperor Napoleon I of France's return from exile on Elba to Paris