French Revolution & Napolean

  • Period: to

    French Revolution to Napoleon

    The era of the timeline
  • Dutch Patriot Revolt

    • the dutch were the premier bankers in the world
    • held 40% of Britains debt which led to the creation of a minority group led by Joan van der Capellan tot den Pol
    • they formed a militia and took action to try to get more elected officials in the government
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    Austiran-Netherlands Resistance

    -they were upset with recent events taking place around Europe
    -fought with the Dutch Patriots
    -declared themselves an independent state, Belgium, but were ater annexed by France
  • Creation of the Estates-General

    -they met after the people were upset with Louis XVI
    -clergy was the first estate, nobles were the second, and common people were the third
    -the third estate, believing itself to not be treated fairly, would later be the cause of the revolution
  • The Third Estate becomes the National Assembly

    -a transitional body between the third estate and the national constituent assembly
    -it opted for a more capitolist approach and declared itself to be operating in the kings best interests
  • Tennis court oath

    -the deputies in the assembly found the doors to their chambers locked
    -they instead met on the tennis court, and sweared a revolutionary oath agreeing to never seperate
    -this was revolutionary because the people met on their own terms rather than in accordance with a monarch
  • Bastille Day

    -seen as the beginning of the French revolution
    -the third estate stormed and took the prison, which was a sign of the monarchy
  • National Assemlby Abolishes Feudalism

    -seen as oppresive and unjust to the majoity of people, the national assembly abolished feudalism
    -while met with delight from the people, many of the nobles and clergy were unhappy with this
  • Declaration of the Rights of Man

    -"Man is born free can equal in rights"
    -this was a groundbreaking document establishing freedom for all white men in french society
  • Women's March to Versaille

    -women who were nearly rioting over food prices in Paris stormed th armory and marched to Louis XVI's palace in Versailles
    -joined by revolutionaries on the way, they besieged the palace and forced the king and the French assembly to return to Paris
    -this ended the individual power of the knig
  • Return of the Women with Louis XVI

    -the crowd of people successfully got Louis XVI to return to Paris with him
    -although seen by some as a joyous occation, with 100 national guardsmen leading the way, women and men singing songs, and the distribtuion of free food, their were subtle undertones that marked Louis XVI had lost all of his power
  • Civil Constitution of the Clergy

    -a law the subordinated the Catholic Church in France to the government
    -in essence it took all of the church's land based upon the fact that it really didn't need them anymore
  • Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette attempt the flee and are captured

    -realizing that he had lost all of his power and was now fearing for their own safety, the royal family attempted to flee France
    -however, they were caught at Varennes, and returned to the Palace
    -they were held under guard and the assembly provisionally suspended Louis XVI's power
  • St. Domungue slave revolt begins

    -black slaves in St. Domingue began to revolt
    -it was the only succesful slave revolt that led to the founding of a state
    -in 1801, Haiti, is formed
  • Legislative Assembly first met

    -under the new government, the king would have to share power with the legislative assembly but still retain some of his power
    -the meeting of the legislative assembly signaled that this new government was now coming into effect
  • Declaration of War on Austira

    -France declared war on Austira
    -trying to take advantage of all of the upheaval within the Fench government, the Austrians tried to play them for fools
    -but the French, eager to show that they were just as strong as ever, declared war
  • Insurrection in Paris

    -the swiss guards assigned to protect the king were killed
    -this led to the king being held prisoner
  • Period: to

    September Massacres

    -the commune sent gangs into prisons to murder hundreds of prisoners
    -the assembly couldn't really resist, and this showed the power that the commune had within France
  • The Convention meets for the first time

    -a newly elected body from the new all male suffrage met for the first time
    -they were charged with writing a new constitution and temporarily became the new government of france
  • The convention establishes the Republic

    -the convention abolishes the monarchy and establishes the new French Republic
    -Louis XVI officially has no more power whatsoever
    -the following day, 22 Sept 1792 would be the first day of the new french calender
  • Louis XVI is executed

    -tried and convicted for crimes against the people, Louis XVI was executed
    -although the king had lost his power months before, his beheadding is seen by other nations as the official loss of his power, prompting other nations to join the war with Austria and Prussia against France
  • Beginning of Uprising in the Vendée

    -Peasants began to revolt against the revolutionary French government
    -the resented what had happened to the Catholic church, and also fought against the military conscription law
    -this became a geurilla war
  • Period: to

    Insurrection leading to the arrest of the Girondins

    -the Griondins were eneimies of the Jacobins, who held a majority of the power in the new government
    -they were unhappy, and the actions they took were percived as going against the state which allowed for their arrests
  • Robespierre named to the Committee of Public Safety

    -considered the main instigator for the reign of terror, it was he who introduced the Guillotine
    -in the name of public health, he went around and started executing people who were a threat to society
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    Reign of Terror

    -the mass executions following the French revolution
    -popular estimate is 16,594 and 25,000 are the two numbers that represent the amount of people executed, totaling over 40,000
    -the people were mainly prisoners and enemies of the new government
  • The Convention establishes general maximum on prices and wages

    -after complaints by the people, the convention set ceilings on prices of certain items
    -this was good because prices had been rising faster than wages, and now their were sanctions in place to help the people
  • Execution of Marie Antoinette

    -one of the major executions to take place during the reign of terror
    -Robespierre decided that she was a threat, and as a result she was publically executed to show that everyone was a target
  • Abolition of Slavery in French colonies

    -following the revolt in Haiti, slavery was abolished in the french colonies
    -it wasn't just the revolt, but also mistreatment and the fact that the constitution stated all men as equal that were the ultimate driving factors behind this
  • Period: to

    Execution of ultra-revolutionaries

    -within the reign of terror, the arressts, trails, and exectuions of the ultra revolutionaries occured
    -they were presenting alternative theories and ideas and as such were seen as threats that had to go
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    Execution of Danton and his followers

    -for the same reasons as the ultra revolutionaries, the revolutionists decided that Danton and co had to go
    -they were arrested tried and executed just like everyone else viewed as a threat
  • Arrest of Robespierre

    -in one of those ironic historical moments, the man who brought the Guillotine to France met his end by it
    -he and his supporters were arrested tried and executed in the same way that he had done to thousands before
    -this marked the end of the reign of terror
  • Period: to

    Thermidorian Reaction

    -the violent backlash that occured after Robespierre fell
    -the guillotine was dismantled, newspapers were attacked, and Robespierrists wer threatened all over
    -they purged political enemies and replaced them with their own
  • Directory Government takes office

    -the new government in France came to power
    -it was a body of five directors that held executive power
    -they lasted for four years until 1999
    -second to last stage of french revolution
  • Period: to

    Napoleon's first Italian campaigns

    -Napoleon led a series of succesful Italians campgains
    -most notably, he captured Venice and ended over one thousand years of independence
    -he looted the Horses of St. Marks and placed them atop the Arc de Triumph back in Paris
  • Napoleon named First Consul

    -after the coup against the directory, France needed a new leader
    -Napoleon was named first consul after the direcotary had taken a series of unpopular measures and removed from power
  • Treaty of Amiens

    -both tired of war, France and Britain signed this document, bringing temporary peace to Europe
    -it called for a withdrawl of british troops from their colonies and made Napoleon first consul for life
  • Napoleon is crown by Pope Pius VII

    -at Notre Dame, the pope crowned Napoleon as emporer of France
    -he siezed the corwn out of the popes hands so that he would be seen as superior to the church
    -later, he was also crowned Joséphines Empress
  • Louisiana Purchase

    -Napoleon had just recieved all of the land that the Spaniards had taken, and not wanting to go and defend it in America
    -he sold it to the USA and Thomas Jefferson for 3¢ an acre
  • Great Britain breaks the Peace of Amiens

    -GB broke the peace and declared war against France
    -Napoleon knew his fleet was undersized and would have to lure them away to invade Britain
    -he was unable to do this becaue GB enlisted the aid of Austria and Prussia and as a result turned their armies against France
  • Assassination plot against Napoleon

    -Napoleon discovered an plot against his life put into place by the former Bourbons and the Jacobins
    -He used this to execute a duke, and essentially give himself more power
  • Napoleon Crown King of Italy

    -at the Milan Cathedral, Napoleon was crowned king of Italy
    -he was crowned with the Iron crown of Lombardy
    he created marshalls with his generals to secure his allegiance with his army
  • Battle at Ulm

    -Napoleon's armies successfully outmanuevered the Austrians
    -they captured over 30,000 soliders
    -this marked one of Napoleons first major victories as emperor
  • Naval Battle at Tralfalgar

    -The British fleet handedly defeated a coalition of Spanish-Franco ships
    -this was apart of Napoleon's plans because he wanted to draw the British fleet off of France and end thier blockade
    -he was ultimately unsuccesful but temporarily alleviated some of his pain
  • Treaty at Pressburg

    -Austria signed the treaty and left the coalition against France
    -they had to give up Venetia to the Kingdom of Italy, which was essentially under french control
    -it began a stalemate in the war, as Napoleon was undefeated on land but had yet to face the Russians
  • Napoleon enters Berlin

    -after the Prussians decided to face Napoleon without any help, as the Russians were too far away to provide assistance
    -Napoleon thrashed them at Jena, Davout, and Auerstadt
    -it took him 19 days to knock them out of the war, while Prussia had been in the previous one for 3 years without any luck
  • Berlin Decree

    -issued by Napoleon in response to the British blockade
    -it brought into effect the Continental Assembly
    -Britain was now no longer allowed to trade with French controlled colonies
  • Battle of Eylau

    -Napoleon marched through Poland and was battling Russia
    -the battle was a bloody stalemate as neither side gave
    -both sides sustained heavy losses
  • Period: to

    Franco-Persian Alliance

    -after his failed Egyptian campaign, Napoleon still wanted a presence in the Middle east
    -he allied himself with Persia to establish his influence in the region
  • Napoleon invades Russia/Battle of Smolensk

    -the first major battle of Napoleons invasion of Russia, and he won with relative ease
    -however, part of his army was stopped by the Russains, preventing his march on St. Petersburg
  • End of Russian Invasion

    -with his army devastated, Napoleon left them and returned to Paris
    -he was going to prepare Paris for its defense against the advancing Russians
    -The russian winter took its toll on the French, and the russians effective use of the scortched earth tactic decided Napoleon's fate before he even started
  • Defeat at Waterloo

    -it was Napoleon's ultimate defeat during the Napoleonic wars
    -the Duke of Wellington led an anglo-allied army that defeated Napoleeon at Waterloo in present day Belgium and at the time was apart of the Netherlands
    -it ended his waterloo campagin and the return of his 100 days from exile
  • Second Treaty of Paris

    -this treaty officially ended the Napoleonic Wars
    -King Louis XVIII, who fled when Napoleon returned from abdication, now was returned to power