For Success Assignment

  • Birth

    I was born in St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital and grew up in Southwold with my parents.
  • Find a Job

    Find a Job
    Finding a job would mean I have successfully made it through schooling and have found a career I enjoy. It would also mean I have a steady source of income so I can be independent and pay for my own life.
  • Graduate University

    Graduate University
    Graduating from high school and university would mean I have the knowledge and ability to go and get a good job. It would be a good start to my adult and independent life.
  • Go on a Road Trip with Friends

    Go on a Road Trip with Friends
    On my bucket list, I had 'Go on a Road Trip with Friends'. It would be successful to cross something off my bucket list. I think it would be fun to just go out with friends and forget our responsibilities before we go out into the adult world, as one last time to really get away together as teenagers.
  • Own my Own House

    Own my Own House
    I consider having my own house to be part of my success in life because it means I have been able to make enough money on my own to live in my own house instead of relying on my friends or family to keep me under a roof.
  • Start a Family

    Start a Family
    I consider (thinking of) starting a family as part of my success in life because it means I have found someone who I love and we have enough money to sustain ourselves and at least one child.
  • Go Camping Somewhere with my Family

    Go Camping Somewhere with my Family
    I have never actually been camping and I think spending time with family is important. It is something that I could cross off my bucket list and it would be fun to be out in the wilderness with my family.
  • Own a Nice Car

    Own a Nice Car
    Owning a nice car would be both something to cross off my bucket list and something to prove that I have enough money to sustain my life and also get something for my own enjoyment.
  • Sell my Own Baked Goods

    Sell my Own Baked Goods
    Becoming a pastry chef or baker is one of my possible careers. By the time I am 65, I wish to have sold a number of my own baked goods to more than just my neighbors and friends. I think it would be really cool to start my own little bake shop or even join a small one around where I am living.
  • Travel to Europe

    Travel to Europe
    Another thing I had on my bucket list was to 'Travel to Europe'. Being able to travel to Europe for a while would mean that I had made enough money in my life to be able to take a long trip overseas. It would also just be really fun to go to a different country that is so multicultural and learn as much as I could from it.
  • Retirement

    As much as I hopefully will love my job, I will be excited to finally retire and have a while of my life to myself. When I retire will depend on how my health is at retirement age, how much money I have to sustain myself over the next while and how much I still want to do my job.