
First World War

  • Austria blamed Srbia for Franz Ferdinand death

    Austria blamed Srbia for the death of Franz Ferdinand and sent it an ultimatium
  • Austria declaerd war on Srbia

    Austria declaerd war on Srbia and shelled its capital,Belgrade
  • Russian army was preparing to help Serbia

    The Russian army got ready to help Serbia defend itself against the Austrian attack.
  • Germany declared war on Russia.

    Germany declared war on Russia.It also began to move its army towards France and Belgium
  • French army was puted on a war foot

    French army was puted on a war footing ready to fight aginst any German invasion.
  • Germany declared war on France and invaded Belgium

    Germany declared war on France and invaded Belgium.Britain ordered Germany to withdraw from Belgium.
  • Britian declared war on Germany

    With the Germans still in Belgium,Britian declared war on Germany.
  • Austria declared war on Russia