Fatima's Life so far.

  • The day I was born

    The day I was born
    On the day I was born, all of my family in California came to witness my first moments in the world. My brothers were also there to see their new little sister :).
  • My 1st Birthday

    My 1st Birthday
    On my first birthday, my parents bought me an ice cream cake that I ended up loving. I still do to this day so now every bithday I have I get an ice cream cake. :)
  • I discovered puppies

    I discovered puppies
    I've always had a love for animals. I had Two big huskies that I loved very much but when my brother discovered that they had a litter of puppies.I knew I was very in love with animals the moment I saw them.
  • Music!

    I don't remembr much when I was little. Though I do remember the first time I heard trance music. My brother was on the computer and played music. I absolutly loved the melody so I kept telling him to play it.
  • GAMES!

    I was never really interasted in dolls or anything growing up. My brother had a playstation and he let me play it for the first time. I was amazed and so in love with the games he had. This inspired me to find a career in the gaming industry.
  • Started hanging out

    Started hanging out
    I never really had friends over at my house. Usually, I only played with my cousins whenever they came but it wasn't that fun since they were older. When my friends came over though, it was so much fun! we ate junk food and played with a playdough set I was gifted.
  • Bonding with siblings

    Bonding with siblings
    My brothers were older than me and they were teens so we never really got along. At this age I started getting way closer to them and it got to the point where they'd let me watch them play games and sometimes funny videos.
  • My own puppy! Pepita <3

    My own puppy! Pepita <3
    We aren't really sure of my dog's age but I do think we've had my poodle for 8-7 years now. She's a cute little brown poodle that loves my family very much. She was suppose to be mine but she ended up loving my mom the most.
  • Pc games

    Pc games
    Remember how I said I loved video games a lot? Well that grew the moment I discovered the games we had on our computer, I was finally allowed to play by my brothers.
  • Where I mostly hung out

    Where I mostly hung out
    I didn't have my own room till I was 11 or 10 but I mostly stayed in my uncle's room since he worked. I always used his ps2 and watched movies.
  • A Gaming Convention

    A Gaming Convention
    My brother took me to my first convention ever! It was small but amazing since I saw all kinds of amazing gaming merch. We didn't buy anything super cool but It was still amazing regardless.
  • Best Christmas party ever!

    Best Christmas party ever!
    I had the best Christmas party in Mexico. All of my family was there and everyone was having fun. My parents hosted it in our house there and I really enjoyed their company. It was then I realized that I love spending time with my family in Mexico.
  • Decorating my room

    Decorating my room
    At the age of 12 I was feeling really sad for personal reasons. It was then I realized that drawing was an awesome way to express myself and it was a safe way to deal with sadness. I got a piece of chalk and drew a wolf and a forest on my old bedroom walls.
  • My favorite place on earth

    My favorite place on earth
    I once took a trip to Guanajuato in Mexico. The view was absolutly beautiful and I knew from the moment I saw it that this place was so lovely that i'd like to visit it as much as possible when im older.
  • Very excited to grow up!

    Very excited to grow up!
    At the age of 13 I was actually already planning my 15! So just being 14 was getting me super excited and anxious! 14 was when I was picking out my dress designs. I was super excited for my... Quinceanera ! <3
  • The actual day!

    The actual day!
    My 15 was something I would never forget. I met family that I never knew about, they traveled from places far and near just to meet me! My chambelanes were also so nice and they helped me be less shy. The dress was amazing and the dances were super fun. I only had a week to learn them so I remember working very hard to learn them. The following is a screenshot of one of my dancers in a 15 expo.
  • Realization

    Though I have gone through some tuff moments in my life I have not written on here, I've recently realized that life is too short to hold grudges or hate anyone. I'm making this year, the year I will mostly enjoy due to me being happy with what I have.