
  • Purchase of Alaska

    Congress bought Alaska for 7.2 millions dollars from Russia.
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    Crisis between America and Great Britain

    Argument between America and Canada over seal hunting near the Pribilof Islands off the coast of Alaska
  • American and Germans navies

    American and German navies nearly come to blows in 1889 over the Solomon Islands in the South Pacific
  • Pan American Conference

    Blaine's effort to tie U.S and other nations closely together in Washington.
  • "The Influence of S ea Power Upon History"

    Book written by U.S Navy captain which argued that a strong navy was important.
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  • Lynching of Italians in New Orleans

    Italians and Americans almost went to war over the lynching of 11 Italians in New Orleans
  • Panic of 1893

    As America industrialized it also came with inflation and violence.
  • Overthrowing Hawaiian monarch

    American missionaries planned to obtain Hawaii by overgrowing Liliuokalani
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    Venezuelan border dispute

    Monroe Doctrine was put to test with the border dispute.
  • De Lome Letter

    Spanish diplomats letter that was leaked t the press which criticized McKinley
  • Spanish American War

    America blamed Spain for the explosion of an American ship nearby the Havana Cuban Harbor.
  • Annexation of Hawaii

    Hawaii became a territory to the U.S
  • Spain calls for peace

    Spain realizes they can not fight the U.S without a navy and calls for peace.
  • Controversy over the Treaty of Peace

    U.S acquisitions of territory, and islands
  • Open Door Policy in China

    All nations had equal trading privileges with China
  • Gaining the Phillipines

    By the Treaty of Paris, the U.S gained the Philippines from Spain
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Chinese nationalist attacked and killed thousands of missionaries
  • Election of 1900

    Republican nomination of McKinley and Roosevelt
    Democratic nomination of Bryan
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    Theodore Roosevelt becomes the 26th president

    After the assassination of McKinley, Roosevelt became president
  • Panama Canal Route

    Theodore Roosevelt decided to send warships to Panama
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    Panama Canal

    The Panama canal began being built in 1904 and finished in 1914
  • Root-Takahira Agreement

    Executive agreement between the U.S and Japan pledging mutual respect
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    President Wilson

    Woodrow Wilson served as president
  • Tampico incident

    Wilson called for an embargo against Mexican Government and sent a fleet to blockade the port of Vera Cruz