Events of WWI

  • Balkan Wars

    Balkan Wars
    Balkan Wars, had been a war between two different military staffs (Britannica, 2023). These wars had started on October 8, 1912 (Britannica, 2023). These wars had ended on August 10, 1913 (Britannica, 2023). The Balkan Wars had occurred in Balkan, Kosovo, Skopje, Thessaloniki, and Thrace (Britannica, 2023). The Balkan Wars had occurred in Balkan, Kosovo, Skopje, Thessaloniki, and Thrace (Britannica, 2023).
  • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
    The “start” to WWI was triggered heavily when a teenage Serbian revolutionary shot Archduke Ferdinand, and his wife Sophie (Greenspan, 2020). Ferdinand and his wife, were on a visit to the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo (Greenspan, 2020).
  • Assasination of Archduke Ferdinand

    Assasination of Archduke Ferdinand
    The first attempt for the teenager to assassinate Ferdinand was unsuccessful, for he had thrown a bomb at their vehicle and it had bounced off landing underneath of the wrong vehicle, which had left people injured and the royal couple frightened, but unharmed (Greenspan, 2020). This had occurred at around 11 a.m. on June 28, 1914 (National WWI Museum Memorial, n.d.).
  • Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
    Ferdinand’s death was mainly scheduled to happen, which was the reason why people thought he was a danger to Serbian independence (National WWI Museum and Memorial, n.d.).
  • World War I Begins

    World War I Begins
    WWI began after the assassination, by some South Slav nationalist, named Gavrilo Princip on June 18, 1914 (Showalter & Royde-Smith, 2023). WWI was a huge fight across the countries all around the world (History Editors, 2023). WWI started in 1914 on July 28 (History Editors, 2023). The first part of WWI had taken its place in Sarajevo, Bosnia (Knopf, 20210). The killing of Archduke Ferdinand, was the boost to the start of WWI (Britannica, 2023).
  • Battle of Mons

    Battle of Mons
    The Battle of Mons first started on August 23, 1914 and didn’t finish until November 11,1914 (Ridler, 2023).This battle took place on the last day of WWI and was between the British and the German army (Ridler, 2023).
    The battle took place within the city of Mons, Belgium (Ridler, 2023).
  • Battle of Mons

    Battle of Mons
    While the German and French forces had around 1,000,000 trained wise and skillful men, the power of the British only had around 80,000 which was only a third of their counterparts (Ames, 2021).Due to the outnumbering men within the German armies, they were able to strategically take out the British forces and cause the British to retreat (Ames, 2021).
  • First Battle of Ypres

    First Battle of Ypres
    The First Battle of Ypres started on October 19, and had lasted only to November 22, 1914 (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023).This was known to be a bloody battle (Ashcraft, 2020).
    This had taken place around the city of Ypres in West Flanders, Belgium (Ashcraft, 2020).
    This was the first of three WWI battles that cost many things (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023).
    This had attempts of flank attacks by both partners (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023).
  • Lusitania Sinks

    Lusitania Sinks
    The Lusitania was a British passenger ship, which was owned by the Cunard line, and was constructed for the transatlantic passenger trade (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023). In May 1915, the Lusitania was sailing from New York City, to Liverpool, England (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023). Lusitania was previously warned to avoid the are along the Irish Coast, due to reports of German U-Boat activity (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023).
  • Lusitania Sinks

    Lusitania Sinks
    Since the captain of Lusitania had decided to pay no mind to the reports, the Lusitania was attacked by a torpedo on May 7 and it had unfortunately sunk (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023). This horrific event left nearly 1,200 people dead, and that had included 128 Americans (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023).
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    During WWI, France and Germany were fighting over the city of Vernum (Bidou, 2023).Chief of General Staff, Eric Von Falkenhayn, planned to use Vernum as a high ground advantage (Bidou, 2023).The city of Vernum had strong forces that threatened Germany’s communication and its availability (Bidou, 2023).
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    While still the longest battle in history, the battle lasted from February 21st to December 15th 1916 with around 300,000 deaths (Bidou, 2023). The Germans thought that it was best to try and weaken the alliances but in the end the French’s strategies were too overwhelming for the Germans (Bidou, 2023).
  • Battle of Gallipoli, Somme

    Battle of Gallipoli, Somme
    The Battle of Somme started from July through November 1916, with over 1 million deaths (Imperial War Museums, 2023).The two forces fighting were the British and French, with both of them adding up to around 3 million troops (Imperial War Museums, 2023).They had fought on the Somme River (History, 2023). Germany had lost, which ended with the French winning (History, 2023).This was caused due to both the British and the French wanting to have a spot for victory (Imperial War Museums, 2023).
  • Zimmerman Note

    Zimmerman Note
    The Zimmerman Note was written by a German Foreign Minister named Arthur Zimmerman (National WWI Museum and Memorial, 2023). This was a scheme about aligning with the Mexicans and Japanese, to repair submarines (National WWI Museum and Memorial, 2023).
  • Zimmerman Note

    Zimmerman Note
    This was written in the German Empire inside of the Foreign Office (National WWI Museum and Memorial, 2023). It was written on the first of March, in 1917 (National WWI Museum and Memorial, 2023). Zimmerman wrote this because he wanted to ally with the Mexicans (National WWI Museum and Memorial, 2023).
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    The Russian Revolution was made up of two parts which was the February Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023). The Russian Revolution took place in Russia (Kiger, 2021).
    -The Russian revolution took place during the year of 1917 (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023).
  • Russian Revolution

    Russian Revolution
    Exploitation and carelessness was very commonly spreading in the imperial government, as well as oppositions being so ready to get out of Russian Domination (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023). Slaves and soldiers eventually stood up after the absurd killings of WWI, and had destroyed Russia’s economy, as well as its dignity and esteem (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023).
  • U.S. Enters War

    U.S. Enters War
    U.S. entering WWI had taken its place in America (National WWI Museum and Memorial, n.d.). At the time of WWI, the current president, President Woodrow Wilson, did not want to be involved in the war (National WWI Museum and Memorial, n.d.). America had decided to join WWI (National WWI Museum and Memorial n.d.).
  • U.S. Enters War

    U.S. Enters War
    President Wilson had called war upon Germany on April 2, 1917, and on April 4 they joined WWI (National WWI Museum and Memorial, n.d.). The reason America had entered the war at that time was due to the conflict that they had with Germany, and the many actions that were made (Historian, n.d.).
  • Battle of Chateau-Thierry

    Battle of Chateau-Thierry
    The Battle of Chateau-Thierry took place in France, Aisne (Goldenberg, 2018). This battle happened because the British army did not want to be with the French forces (Goldenberg, 2018). This battle started on July 18, 1918 (History on the net, 2023). John Pershig had supported the attack (Goldenberg, 2018). This fight had been said to be part of the division’s role in the Aisne Marne campaign (Goldenberg, 2018).
  • Battle of Amiens

    Battle of Amiens
    The Battle of Amiens had started on August 8 1918, and had ended on August 11, 1918 (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023).This was a WWI battle that had set its spot, and became known as “hundred days” (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023).
  • Battle of Amiens

    Battle of Amiens
    This was a series of all Allied offensive achievements (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023).This had taken place on the Western Front (The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica, 2023).Soldiers and troops from the United States were gathering so quickly, to fortify into the war effort (Marshall, 2020).
  • Battle of Argonne

    Battle of Argonne
    This battle had contained many fights that took place on the Western Front (Britannica, 2019). An important person during the Battle of Argonne, had to be General John J. (Fleming, 2006). This had occurred on September 26, 1918 (Britannica, 2019). This began due to the alliance between the U.S., British, and German, wanting to split those up (Socratic, n.d.). The main battle had taken place on the Western Front in WWI (History Editors, 2020).
  • Armistice of WWI

    Armistice of WWI
    The Armistice of WWI was a terrific time to
    be alive (National WWI Museum and Memorial, 2023). This was a truce called between Germany and the Allies that had finished off all conflict between Germany and the Allies (Sawed, n.d.).
  • Armistice of WWI

    Armistice of WWI
    The ceasefire had started due to the lack of resources and reinforcements (Sawer, n.d.). Since the Allies wanted to make sure that the Germans could not resume the war after the agreement was settled, they had made the Germans surrender all of their war-like things that included planes, ships, machine guns, ect. (Sawer, n.d.). Fighting did occur elsewhere, but this was the first step towards ending WWI (Sawer, n.d.).
  • The Treaty of Versailles Signed

    The Treaty of Versailles Signed
    The Treaty of Versailles had been made to define the rules that had been set between Germany, and everyone else (Britannica, 2023). The treaty started on June 28, 1919 (Britannica, 2023). This group named the Paris Peace Conference after WWI, had created the Treaty of Versailles (Britannica, 2023).
  • The Treaty of Versailles Signed

    The Treaty of Versailles Signed
    This event had many individuals involved, but the creators were located in France (Britannica, 2023). Important people during the Treaty of Versailles were Georges, Matthias Erzberger, Hermann Muller, and more (Britannica, 2023).
  • First Meeting of the League of Nations

    First Meeting of the League of Nations
    The League of Nations was the first institution, made up of people from all around the world, who wanted to encourage peace (United Nations, n.d.). This first came to reality on January 10th, 1920 (United Nations, n.d.). Jean-Jacques Rousseau, William Penn, and Jeremy Bentham were all wise people who thought of different ways to create and build upon world peace (United Nations, n.d.).
  • First Meeting of the League of Nations

    First Meeting of the League of Nations
    For each state joining in with the League of nations, they pledged to respect all independence of all members associated in the league (United Nations, n.d.). The first meeting contained 41 member state, who gathered in Geneva on November 15, 1920 (United Nations, n.d.).