Events Leading Up to the Partition of India

  • East India Company Rule

    East India Company Rule
    British rule that governed India and forced the Mughal rulers to grant it great powers. It also threated the Indian way of life.
  • The Sepoy Rebellion

    The Sepoy Rebellion
    The Sepoys found out that their gun cartridges were greased with pork or beef fat and they were forced to serve over seas. Uprising broke out but the British put them down through savage acts.
  • Mohandas Ghandi (Principles of what he fought for)

    Mohandas Ghandi (Principles of what he fought for)
    Gandhi had virtues of duty, morality, and self-discipline which he achived by satyagraha, or non-violent resisstance. He also got his ideas from Hindu beliefs and Christian traditions, along with the wirtings of Henry David Thoreau.
  • Formation of the Indian National Congress

    Formation of the Indian National Congress
    This foundation was set up to work to form greater rights for Hindus under British rule.
  • Formation of the Muslim League

    Formation of the Muslim League
    A foundation set up to protect the interests of Islamic Indians.
  • Salt March

    Salt March
    The British forbade the Indians from making salt and raised the price. So Mohandas Gandhi led 200 Indian followers on a 200 mile march to the coast where they set up the Indian flag and started making slat from the sea. They all got arressted.
  • Quit India Campaign

    Quit India Campaign
    A policy of non-coopration with the British. This was set up during WWII when the Indians refused to support the British in the war without their freedom in return.
  • Hindu-Muslim Conflict

    Hindu-Muslim Conflict
    Divisions began to grow between the Muslim League and the Hindu Congress Party. Muslims wanted a seperate nation and feared their rights would not be respected. Their different religious beliefs led to clashes between the two.
  • Indian Independence Act

    Indian Independence Act
    After all the uprisings, the British Parliament set up this act hat ended British rule in India. This also spilt India into two nations; Pakistan and India and led to mass migration due to fear and distrust.
  • Gandhi Assassinated

    Gandhi Assassinated
    Being sickened by the violence, Gandhi refused to celebrate India's victory and held prayer meetings. He was then shot by a Hindu extermist who believed that Gandhi was nowe going against his own beliefs.