Enlightenment and Revolutions

By egaba1
  • Montesqieu publishes "On the Spirit of Laws"

    Montesqieu publishes "On the Spirit of Laws"
    Montesqieu proposed seperation of powers to prevent any individual from gaining total power, later called "Checks and Balances"
  • America Declares Independence

    America Declares Independence
    Colonists issued the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson, declaring unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These ideas were heavily inspired by Philosophe, John Locke.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    The 3rd estate voted to establish the National Assembly, ending absolute monarchy, and forming representative government
  • Napoleon overthrows the Directory through a coup d'etat

    Napoleon overthrows the Directory through a coup d'etat
    Returning from Egypt from the Battle of Trafalgar, Napoleon found the Directory had lost control of polotics and the confidence of the French people. His troops surrounded the National Legislature, and drove out most members. The remaining members voted to dissolve the directory, and established 3 consoles. Napoleon took the title of first console.
  • Haiti wins freedom from France

    Haiti wins freedom from France
    Jean Jacques de Dessalines declared Haiti an independent country, the first black colony to fee itself. This followed a revolt of 100,000 slaves in 1791, led by Toussaint L'ouverture.
  • Napoleon crowns himself emperor

    Napoleon crowns himself emperor
    Dressed in splendid purple robes, Napoleon was crowned emperor by the pope, signaling that he was more powerful than the Church.
  • Padre Hidalgo calls for Mexican Independence

    Padre Hidalgo calls for Mexican Independence
    Miguel Hidalgo rang the bells of his church to assemble the peasants in the village of Dolores. When assembled, Hidalgo issued a call for rebellion against the Spanish, known as the Grito de Dolores.
  • Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo

    Napoleon was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo
    After coming back to power after exile, the European allies marshalled their armies near Waterloo under the Duke of Wellington. Napoleon attacked, and was defeated, after which, he was banished to St. Helena.