Enlightenment and Revolutions

  • Montesquieu Publishes Spirit of Laws

    Montesquieu's book was about his belief, seperation of powers, or how it would keep from any person or group from gaining complete control of the government.
  • America Declares Independence

    America declares their independence with the document, the Decalration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson. The ideas of Enlightenment helped the colonies begin to try to make their own nation.
  • French Revolution

    The unequal social aspect of France and the ways of the Old Regime helped begin the French Revolution.
  • Napoleon Overthrows the Directory Through a Coup D'etat

    Napoleon was known as a good leader and so he became one with two other consuls.. He then a had a sudden seizure of power.
  • Napoleon Becomes Emperor, Creates Massive Empire

    Napoleon decided to be emperor and the French voters approved. He believed that he was more powerful then the church and so his massive empire began.
  • Haiti Acheives Freedom From France

    Jean-Jacques Dessalines took over for the revoltution and was successful. Dessalines declared the colony a free and independent country. This was the first revoltuion by slaves.
  • Padre Hidalgo Calls for Mexican Independence

    Padre Hidalgo rang the bell and all of the peasants in the town lined up. Hidalgo announced that they should start a revolution for their independence.
  • Napoleon's Defeat at Waterloo

    Napoleon had gained a lot of confidence as his empire grew. He believed he could beat the British but sadly did not. And so he met his Waterloo.