English 12

  • First day of high school

    First day of high school
    The first day of high school. I definitely wasn't nervous because I had an older sibling in the school and all of her friends plus my friends from cheer so I felt like I mostly belonged already. I always jumped from friend group to friend group. I was known as the friendly, funny, social butterfly, who knew/was friends with everyone. I wasn't too serious about my grades or teachers or classes. I look bad at my freshman self-today and wish I would change my work ethic and took school more serious
  • Going to Nationals

    Going to Nationals
    Traveling to another state with my family (my team) was an absolutely phenomenal experience. I grew so much closer to the people on my team and coach while in a warm place doing the things we loved, competing. Being with that group of people for 5 days 24 hours a day definitely taught me that they are my real friends. Cheering on that mat for the last time that season and with those exact same girls taught me to appreciate things more and to continue the things that i love which is cheerleading.
  • Sisters Graduation

    Sisters Graduation
    Growing up with someone who was always academically better than you was always hard and for that child to finally leave the nest became even harder. Since the focus was never on me when we were both in school I was never put in the spotlight. Ever since my sister's graduation, I have been academically challenged by my mother and told constantly to push myself, which in the end (when I finally listened) paid off. thanks to Eliza graduating I was able to break through and achieve success.

    Joining NJROTC was nerve-racking for me because I hadn't known anyone in my grade that was in it. The class was filled with fresh new faces and a couple of old ones that I've never talked to before. I was scared that I would like it for that reason but it actually turned out for the better. I made a whole bunch of new friend and became a lot closer with old ones. I also learned so much of Naval Science. Without ROTC I wouldn't be friends with half the people Im friends with today.
  • First day of Junior year

    Junior year was the beginning of an awesome year. In this year I matured and took my work/classes a lot more seriously. I had my first job during this year, my first real relationship, drivers ed twice a week and cheer practice every day. I definitely took on more than I can handle this year but it taught me a lot of life lessons and also that sometimes you're just not ready for things even though it might feel like the best thing in your life. But you should always remeber to have fun!
  • First Job

    First Job
    This job was hell. Mcdonalds. You over worked me, didn't pay me the amounts that you should have been paying me and treated me like shit. This job 100% taught me some patience, responsibility, anger control, and a little bit of Spanish. I typically pick things up pretty fast so when they saw that they used me to their advantage. They trained me in every possible position except on the grill. I would work EARLY morning and LATE nights when there was only just the two of us. The only upside, $10.
  • Passed my road test

    Passed my road test
    Responsibility to a whole other level. Responsibility on the road. I longed this day since I was in middle school I prepared my self before I even got my permit. Driving to me meant freedom and freedom to go where ever you wanted whenever was like gold to me. That day I thought to myself I was sure to fail, but I didn't and it was actually super easy and super fast. This day was definately a big point in my life because I wanted my liecense for such a long time and now that i have it is amazing.
  • Working at Kiwi

    Working at Kiwi
    Having someone else's children's lives in your hands every day, 4-8 7 days a week was definitely the most fun I've ever had. Kiwi Country Day Camp is hands down the best summer camp you can work at ever. Being with kindergarteners all day was so much fun and so active. I loved engaging with them and making them laugh. Working with kids wasn't really something I thought I would ever be good but I took a shot and went with it. I also met a lot of amazing new people who I can now say are my friends
  • Cheerleading (2014-2018)

    Cheerleading (2014-2018)
    Cheerleading was always something I enjoyed and looked forward to. I always pushed myself in cheer and made sure always be doing what I'm supposed to do. Cheer is an outlet for me. Break from my corrupt home life. It keeps me busy and it helped me find my true friends/family that I will cherish forever. I have a bond with not only the girls on my team from years past to this year but I also have a bond with the sport it's self. I will never forget all the accomplishments I've received.
  • Senior Year

    Senior Year
    The big year I've been waiting for. The year that I hope changes my perspective in life. This year I wish to accomplish so much. I want to try my hardest to get to where I wanna be in life. I wanna graduate and be able to say "I pushed myself to its limits and worked hard to get to where I am so I deserve this diploma".