Ww1 flanders soldiers

End of WW1- WW2 significant events

By mloggia
  • Treaty of Versailles Signed

  • Russia & Poland War Begins

  • Adolf Hitler becomes head of Nazi Party

    Adolf Hitler becomes head of Nazi Party
    After a party vote Hitler was made the unquestioned leader of party on a vote of 543 to 1.
    This event is important because this is where Hitler's power began. He was already a pretty powerful and influenceful person, but now he is the head of the Nazi Party.
  • Mossolini is invited to form a Coalition Government in Italy

  • Hitler's 'Beer Hall Putsch"

  • Germany admitted to League of Nations

    Germany admitted to League of Nations
    Politically important move that recognized Germany's power.
    It's imporant because almost all countries world wide pledged to "renouced war as an instrument of national policy." Although this was a good attempt to keep the peace throughout the world, there was no way to enforce it, since the League of Nations did not have armed faces.
  • "Stock Market Crash" on "Wall Street"

    "Stock Market Crash" on "Wall Street"
    On this day, the stock market collapsed in the United States because investors thought that the stock prieces were too high. As the stock prieces began to decerd, investors paniced which caused the market to crash. It's important because the collaspe caused a down stream impact on world wide economics and caused a global depression. All the countries placed high tarriffs on their imporant goods to try to keep their money within their countries.
  • Terms of the 1930 "London Naval Conference" go into effect

    Terms of the 1930 "London Naval Conference" go into effect
    The terms of this conference was to limit the number of warships various countries could have. It lasted until 1931, when Japan refused to renew it. It's imporntant because this was the beginning of Japan invasion of other nations. Japan invaded and conquered various cities in China 1937, which was an early sign that World War II was in its stages of early development.
  • Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany

    Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
    Hitler came to power when the Nazi Cononseruative leaders thought they could control Hitler and use him for their own purpssen. Unfortunatley, Hitler could not be contoled and turn Germany into a tatalitraian state. This is important because Hitler gained ecomic political power as well control over aspect og Germany life. Because of Hitler's anti-Semitism, he made them scapegoats for all the troubles Germany has been facing since WWI, which was the beginning of the Holocost.
  • German Jews stripped of rights by the Nuremberg Race Law

    German Jews stripped of rights by the Nuremberg Race Law
    Nazi party passed laws depriving Jews of their rights to German citizenship and for bademarriages between Jews and non-Jews. This is important because this signaled the real start of the peocess of eliminating Jews from Germany. Nazi mobs attacked Jews in their own homes, streets, and destroyed thousands of Jewish owned buildings, which is known as the "Night of Broken Glass" or "Kristallnacht."
  • Leader of China is kidnapped by forces of Chang Hsueh-liang

  • German Invasion of Poland