els island imgrants

  • the downturn

    in the 1870 an economic downturn resulted in serous unemploent with lead yo politcal motivated outcries aganst imgrants who would work for low wages.the states stardet to pass the immgrantion laws. the federal goverment pass the first immgrantion law in 1882. the exclution acts, a series of restricted laws prohibiting immgrantion, mostly chinese immgrants.
  • chinese act

    the first chinese entered californa in 1848 in a few years more and more chinese came,lured by the promise of gam sann or the gold mountain. people forced them out of the gold mountain to low paying jobs. they layed track for the central pacific railroad, reclamed swamp land in the scaramento delta, developed shrimp and abalone fisheries, and provided cheap labor wherever there was work no other group wanted or needed.
  • gold mountain

    my mom and dad i could not see then any more so my mom said that was the gold mountian. my dad went to the gold mountain to work and make money. but very little was made. i only grt to see him i 5 years.
  • birth

    what my life was like when i was a child was a lot of people leaving and we had to leave too we were part of the imgration. i lived in china and there was a lot of people without a home and there was no jobs. tha is the reason why we moved because he had no job and we had no money and could not eat. we hpoeed to gain is freedom.