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By Kait
  • Jamestown is Settled

    Jamestown is Settled
    104 colonisits arrived at the site on the James River that has been selected for settlement and name it after King James 1. Although many view this as the beggining of America's history, this event was in many ways the end. The Native American's way of life would be forever changed.
  • The Jamestown Fort is Completed

    The Jamestown Fort is Completed
    This date marks the completion of the first permanent structure built by the colonists. Finishing the fort allowed the colonists for refocus their efforts on expansion.
  • Trouble in Jamestown

    Trouble in Jamestown
    By this date nearly half of the colonists have died from sickness, and the food supply is running low. Captin John Smith begins to trade with the Native Americans. This event marks the first trade deals between the colonists and Native Americans.
  • The Mayflower sets Sail

    The Mayflower sets Sail
    The Mayflower, carrying 102 passengers, leaves England.
  • The Mayflower reaches Cape Cod

    The Mayflower reaches Cape Cod
    The Mayflower, blown off course from Virgina, arrives at Cape Cod. Some passangers say that since they aren't in Virginia, they don't have to obey the laws of Great Britian, and threaten to create their own colony. This inpires the creation of the Mayflower Compact.
  • The Mayflower Compact is Written

    The Mayflower Compact is Written
    The Mayflower Compact, written primarily by William Bradforth, is considered the first government document in American history. It states that all Mayflower passangers will follow the laws of the colony. It must be signed by male passengers before they were allowed to get off the ship.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    The Louisiana Purchase
    In a 24 to 7 vote, the Senate ratifies the Louisiana Purchase, more than doubling America's land.
  • Louisiana is Transferred

    Louisiana is Transferred
    Louisiana is transferred from Spanish control to French control. This gave the French control of the New Orleans ports, which were essential to shipping operations.
  • France turns New Orleans over to the US

    France turns New Orleans over to the US
    France turns New Orleans over to the US. This gave America control how important ports and ownership of the territiory.
  • Cherokee die on Trail of Tears

    Cherokee die on Trail of Tears
    In 1838, the US Department of War forcibly removes 17,000 Cherokee to what is now known as Oklahoma. It is estimated that 6,000 men, women, and children died on the 1,200-mile march.
  • Cherokee Protests

    Cherokee Protests
    15,660 Cherokee gather to protest the Treaty of New Echola. Unfortunately, the US government didn't repond to this protest, and a few months later the forcful removal of Cherokee people began.
  • Cherokee Constitution

    Cherokee Constitution
    The Cherokee Constitution is adopted and Tahlequah is named the capital of the Cherokee nation.
  • Gold is found

    Gold is found
    James Marshall finds gold in a river while working in California to build a water pump. Although most people initially didn't believe his claim to be true, this even sparked the California gold rush.
  • First Women's Rights Convention

    First Women's Rights Convention
    Elizabeth Stanton writes the "Declaration of Sentiments" at the first women's rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York. This declaration inspired women's activism for decades.
  • The Gold Rush Begins

    The Gold Rush Begins
    Although James Marshall tried to keep his discovery secret, word spread quickly .By August there were 4,000 gold mines in the area. The gold rush had offically begun.
  • The California Gold Rush Ends

    The California Gold Rush Ends
    Although no exact date marks the end of the California Gold Rush, most historians agrre that by 1855 the gold was all gone, and the California Gold Rush had come to an end.
  • Lincoln's Inaugral Address

    Lincoln's Inaugral Address
    Lincoln delivers his second inaugral address in front of 50,000 people. His future assassins were among the crowd.
  • Booth plots to kidnap Lincoln

    Booth plots to kidnap Lincoln
    Booth and associates plot to kidnap Lincoln and hold him for ransom. However the plan was not carried out.
  • Lincoln's Assassination

    Lincoln's Assassination
    At 10:13 p.m. Lincoln was shot in the head by Booth while watching a play. He is pronounced dead the next day.
  • Women in the House of Representatives

    Women in the House of Representatives
    Jeannette Rankin becomes the first women to be eleceted into the House of Representatives. Woodrow Wilson states the Democratic party will support suffrage.
  • Prohibition

    The National Pohibition Act, also known as the Volstead Act, is passed. This date marks the official beginning of prohibition.
  • Rum Running

    Rum Running
    William McCoy pioneers the "rum running trade" by employing ships to illegally import liquor from the Bahamas to the United States. This is the first known large scale illegal export of liquor.
  • Women win full voting rights

    Women win full voting rights
    Three quarters of the state legislatures ratify the 19th admendment, giving women full voting rights.
  • Prohibition Ends

    Prohibition Ends
    The 21st Admendment repealing Prohibition is ratified. This date makes the official end of prohibition.
  • The Cold War starts

    The Cold War starts
    There is not an exact date that marks the start of the Cold War, but it is generally agreed to have started in 1947.
  • Catching Cold War Spies

    Catching Cold War Spies
    Truman starts a loyalty program focused on catching Cold War spies.
  • Cold War ends

    Cold War ends
    Although there is not an exact date that marks the end of the Cold War, it did end in August of 1991, along with the end of the Soviet Union.