eli angus brooke jack

  • First Fleet

    From 1788 to 1868 Britain transported more than 160,000 convicts from its overcrowded prisons to the Australian colonies. This is also known as ‘settlement’ or the ‘invasion’ as Aboriginal people had settled the continent thousands of years prior.
  • free imagrants

    between 1793 and 1850 nearly 2000,000 free settlers chose to migrate in australia to start a new life the merjoritey english
  • gold rush

    thousands of Chinese people came to Australia during the 1850’s gold rushes. By 1901, Chinese were the third largest migrant group group after Australia after the British and Germans. When the gold was exhausted many took up market gardening or established businesses such as restuarants or laundries.
  • boat people

    in the late 1970s a new wave of seaborne refugees docked in darwin firstly from east timor and then from indochina most fleeing war and violence in their home countries the viet boat people in particular arrived at a time of dramatic social upheaval in australia with heated public debate about our involvement in the vietnam war and new concept of multiculturalism despite some opposition from the wider community the relaxation of immigration restrictions meant that most of refugees were allowed
  • asylam seekers

    since the late 1990s increasing numbers of asylum seekers fleeing conflict in the middle east sri lanka have arrived in australia by boat today the question of how to deal with some asylum seekers arriving in unauthorised voyages remains one of the most controversial in contemporary australia