Eat pray love movie

Eat Pray Love

  • Elizabeth's Break-down

    Elizabeth has a break-down on the bathroom floor. She realizes she doesn't want to be married anymore.
  • Elizabeth's Dicovery

    Elizabeth finds God and decides she is unhappy and leaving her husband.
  • Elizabeth's Divorce

    Elizabeth finally divorces her husband. He doesn't take it very well and gets everything she owns.
  • Elizabeth in Italy

    She arrives in Italy.
  • Elizabeth and her Medication

    Eliabeth has been in Italy for a while and decides to stop taking her anti-depressants.
  • Elizabeth's Move to India

    Elizabeth says goodbye to all of her friends she had met in Italy with a traditional Thanksgiving Day dinner for Luca's birthday.
  • Elizabeth in India

    Elizabeth meets and Indian girl who is about to be wed and gets to see what it is like to be married off.
  • Elizabeth in Indonesia

    Elizabeth arrives in Indonesia.
  • Elizabeth meets someone

    Elizabeth meets a man and ends up falling in love with him.
  • Elizabeth returning home

    Elizabeth returns home from her year long trip to Italy, India and Indonesia.