East and Southeast Asia

By 14aad
  • 200

    China's First Emperor

    China's First Emperor
    Durning the 200BC China's first empoeror conquered much of eastern China
  • 202

    Han dynasty

    Han dynasty
    During The Han dynasty (202BC-220AD) China's military power grew stronger, and Chinese culture spread into southern China.
  • 500


    Taoism originated in China 500s BC
  • May 23, 1279

    Mongol invaders

    Mongol invaders
    Mongol invaders led by Genghis Khan overthrew the Sung dynasty in the 1200s and ruled all of China by 1279
  • May 23, 1557

    Trading colony

    Trading colony
    The first that arrived at China were the Portuguese, who set up a trading colony at Macao in 1557
  • Water Buffalo

    Water Buffalo
    Durning the Shang period (1700s to 1100s BC) the water buffalo was tamed and irigation systems were dug.
  • China lost the wars

    China lost the wars
    Over the course of the 1800s, China lost several wars and failed to keep out the European powers, Japan, and the United States
  • Republic of China

    Republic of China
    Rebels under the leadership of Sun Yat-sen overthrew the last Chinese dynasty and in 1912 formed the Republic of China
  • Japan

    Taking advantage of a weak and divided China, Japan took over Manchuria in the early 1930s
  • Japan invasion

    Japan invasion
    in 1937 Japan invaded eastern China
  • The Communists

    The Communists
    The Communists won and set up the People's Republic of China under Mao Zedong in 1949
  • Deng Xiaoping

    Deng Xiaoping
    After Mao's death in 1976, Deng Xiaoping came to power.
  • End Pro-democarcy

    End Pro-democarcy
    The government continues to defend actions it took in 1989 to end pro-democarcy demonstartions in Bejing.
  • Unity

    After the deline of the Han dynasty, several warloads divided and ruled China. Unity was not restored until about 618AD
  • Living At The Farms

    Living At The Farms
    In the 3000s BC and organzied soiety lived in small farming village along the Huang River.
  • Farming

    As early as 6000BC people began farming along the Chang River