Matt medic

Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie

By jlund
  • Jeffrey asks for "moatmeal"

    Jeffrey asks for "moatmeal"
  • Jeffrey falls off the stool

    Jeffrey falls off the stool
    OMG - is it my fault? Will my 'rents be furious??
  • Matt Medic saves the day!

    Matt Medic saves the day!
  • Hi - I'm Adam. You're bald

    Hi - I'm Adam. You're bald
    Five year old Adam doesn't mean to be cruel, but he crushes Jeffrey's heart in Kindergarten when he says, "Hi. I'm Adam. You're bald." Then Jeffrey breaks Stephen's heart by sobbing, sobbing, and finally confessing, "I knew I was bald, but I didn't want you to know".
  • Manly food

    Manly food
    Dad offers only TV dinners and silence with maybe one ocmment, 'How 'bout them Knicks?