
Dominik's Birthday Timeline

  • Dominik was born

    Dominik was born
    I was born at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital in Tallahassee Florida
  • Period: to

    Dominik's Birthdays

  • Dominik's Baptism

    Dominik's Baptism
    This is the day I was Baptized at our church in Tallahassee.
  • Dominik's First Birthday

    Dominik's First Birthday
  • Dominik's Second Birthday

    Dominik's Second Birthday
    My second birthday was at my old house in Tallahassee
  • My first trip to North Dakota

    My first trip to North Dakota
    We went to visit my Grandma and Grandpa and all my cousins in North Dakota.
  • My First Trip to Poland

    My First Trip to Poland
    We flew on an airplane for 8 hours to get there to see my grandma and cousins.
  • Domik's Third Birthday

    Domik's Third Birthday
  • My first bike

    My first bike
    I got my first green bike and rode it at Lake Ella park in Tallahassee.
  • Dominik's Forth Birthday

    Dominik's Forth Birthday
    My fourth birthday was at Canopy Oaks school in Tallahassee.
  • My first time seeing snow and sledding.

    My first time seeing snow and sledding.
    We went to North Dakota for Christmas and New Years in the winter and i got to throw snowballs and go sledding.
  • My first trip to Nickelodeon Resort in Orlando

    My first trip to Nickelodeon Resort in Orlando
    I had to go to the doctor to get a shot and my mom and dad took me to Nick hotel after that.
  • Dominik's Fifth Birthday

    Dominik's Fifth Birthday
    This is my fifth birthday at the Tallahassee Junior Museum.
  • Dominik's Sixth Birthday

    Dominik's Sixth Birthday
    My sixth birthday was at Pump-it-up in Jacksonville. It was not on the day of my birthday so all my friends could come.
  • My second trip to poland going on a ski lift.

    My second trip to poland going on a ski lift.
    We went all over Poland and went through the clouds on this ski lift. At the top there was a cool ride like bobsledding where the sled was on metal.
  • Dominik's Seventh Birthday

    Dominik's Seventh Birthday
    My seventh birthday was at my house here in John's Creek.