A3665937714 10

Disruption Timeline

  • US Presidential Election

    US Presidential Election
    Social medias used:
    Twitter, Facebook Tactics:
    Disinformation campaigns, fake news, bots, and targeted ads to influence public opinion
  • Rohingya crisis in Myanmar

    Rohingya crisis in Myanmar
    Primary Social Media Used:
    Facebook, Twitter Tactics:
    Use of hate speech, propaganda, and misinformation to incite violence and ethnic cleansing
  • Hong Kong protests

    Hong Kong protests
    Primary Social Medias Used:
    Telegram, Twitter, Instagram Tactics:
    Organizing protests, sharing information, and coordinating actions using encrypted messaging apps and social media
  • Black Lives Matter protests

    Black Lives Matter protests
    Primary Social Medias:
    Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok Tactics:
    Spreading awareness, organizing protests, and documenting police brutality through hashtags and viral videos
  • Farmer protests in India

    Farmer protests in India
    Primary Social Medias Used:
    Twitter, Instagram Tactics:
    Amplifying the voices of farmers, organizing protests, and spreading awareness through social media campaigns