Developmental Pyschology Project: A Self-Study

  • 1. Prenatal Development

    1. Prenatal Development
    While my mother was pregnant with me she only craved sweets and was repulsed by meats. Since I have been born I have found meat unappetizing and have been a vegetarian (except for chicken nuggets!) for over a decade. I also have a massive sweet tooth and constantly crave ice cream. This is not only an example of prenatal influences on later food preferences but identity vs confusion because I am developing and discovering my likes and dislikes for certain foods.
  • 2. Toddler Years

    At eighteen months I said my first word, dad. My dad and I were always close because we would spend a lot of time together. This is an example of language development because saying my first word is a developmental milestone. This is also an example of morpheme because it’s my first simple word with meaning.
  • 2. Toddler Years

    2. Toddler Years
    When I was a toddler my brother and i would play in this little room underneath our stairs in the basement. We would pretend like we were in a submarine going to deep sea or a rocket ship launching into space. This would be an example of Jean Piaget’s preoperational stage of cognitive development because I am participating in fantasy play.
  • 2. Toddler Years

    When I was three I my schema was deer were the same as horses, but my accommodation became that horses had manes and you could ride them. This is an example of Piaget cognitive development.
  • 3. Childhood

    3. Childhood
    When I was six years old I started Kindergarten.I was so scared that I hid behind my mom the whole time. I eventually came out of hiding and began to play with another girl and now to this day we are still best friends.This is an example of Erik Erickson’s pyschosocial initiative vs inferiority because I was beginning to assert control in my environment. I leaned more towards initiative because i became to have a bigger group of friends.This is also an example of my developing social learning.
  • 3. Childhood

    3. Childhood
    When I was seven I remember stealing a pack of mini M&Ms from Walmart and as soon as I got into the car with my mom I felt so guilty because I thought that they would call the police. This is an example of preconventional moral reasoning because morality is about consequences and self interest.
  • 3. Childhood

    3. Childhood
    When I was eleven I got braces, at this time I the first of my peers to get them. This was a new social pressure and I had to cope with my peers harassment. This is an example of Erik Erickson’s psychosocial stage of industry v inferiority. I began to feel inferior to my classmates because of this.
  • 4. Adolescence

    From age fourteen to sixteen I grew from 5’2” to 5’5” over that two year period. This is an example of growth spurt, which is a physical change during adolescence.
  • 4.Adolscence

    When I was sixteen my parents got divorced which attributed to my sense of self and true identity. This is an example of Erik Erickson’s pyschosocial stage of identity vs confusion because I became confused on my role in my family and my sense of family and belonging.
  • 4. Adolescence

    Present day, whenever I eat in class I am always self conscious that someone Is watching me eating when in reality no one notices. This is an example of imaginary audience phenomenon and also cognitive development because this is an example of egocentrism at an older period in life.