Dev. Psych

  • Birth

    When I was born, I was born 2 weeks premature. I was 5 lbs 9 ounces, and 18.5 inches tall. I was born with jaundice and had to stay in the hospital for an extra week. Color of my hair at birth was blonde, but it turned to brown.
  • Trust Vs Mistrust

    Erik Erikson's first stage of his Psychosocial development is trust vs. mistrust. Infants learn to either trust the world or mistrust it. When they are properly fed, comforted, and get the proper stimulation, they will learn to trust the world. Whereas if they recieve little care, are not provided for, are negelected, recieve litlle positive stimualtion, they will mistrust. My parents were consistantly spending time with me, nurtured me and held me frequently. I learned to trust. (Berger, 187)
  • Period: to


  • Period: to


    Birth-18 months is the Infant Stage of Development, ages 0-2 years (Berger, 15) Erik Eriksons psychosocial stage: Trust vs Mistrust. Piaget stages of cognitive development: Sensorimotor
  • Aware of Strangers

    round 1 1/2 months, in my mothers baby book, I was aware of strangers and who others were
  • Social Smile

    Around late December, the date is approximated, I was begining to start the "social smile" to familiar faces like my parents and other brothers.
  • Crawling

    In early Auguest date is approximated, I began to crawl for the first time.
  • 10 months old

    10 months old
  • First tooth

    First sign of my very first baby tooth!
  • Object permanance.

    Around the middle of December, I was able to crawl and walk to find things that my mother had hid when she would play with me, my mother told me that when we were inside playing on a blanket, she placed a lincoln log under the blanket and I crawled over to it and removed the blanket and grabbed the log. I was able to realize that even though the object was out of sight, it still existed. (Berger, pg 155)
  • Period: to

    Early Childhood

    Ages 2-3 are the Early childhhood stage (Berger, 15) Erik Eriksons psychosocial stage: Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt. Piaget stages of cognitive development: Preoperational
  • Potty training

    Potty training
    Officially Potty trained! I would only go if I had a good Dr. Suess book to read
  • Lost my first tooth

  • Language Barriers and Description

    Driving home from church one Sunday, we had talked about personalities in Sunday school. I tried to ask my parents what it was but I was unable to pronounce the word and so I said "personavalley". I got frustrated when my parents could not understand what I was trying to say. I was able to understand what the word meant and the structure of it's complexty but lacked the analytical vocabulary.
  • Begin Preschool

    Began Preschool at Ward
  • First Hair Cut by me

    I decided to cut my own hair, and I did a horrible job so my mother took me to get a hair cut
  • Make Believe Play

    Make Believe Play
    When I was little, I quite often participated in make believe play. I used to love to dress up and preted to be a princess, play house and pretended to be a teacher, I also loved to dress up as animals and draw whiskers on my face.
  • First vision problems

    In later years of early childhood, this is when most visionary problems begin or are made aware of. I remember not being able to see what time the clock was in class for many years, I would have to squint to see things from a far. I was young and thought this was how everyone could see but my mother wrote down in my life journal that this is when I first complained about my sight.
  • My best friend

    My best friend
    This was my best friend Ariel. I had many friends in elementary school and was never bullied. I was very dependant on my parents, and my morals were oriented around my faith. I was loyal to my friends and had loyal friends. I shared many friends at churh and school.
  • First Day In Kindergarten

    First Day In Kindergarten
    First day of Kindergarten at Cooper Elementary
  • Relationships

    I had a large sized group of friends growing up and got a long with everyone, I had a high self esteem, and my mother said I was very empathetical, gender stereotyping wasn't a big thing for me at this age, and grew to trust friends early.
  • Period: to

    Middle Childhood

    Ages 6-11 marks the Middle Childhood stage of development (Berger, 15). Erik Eriksons psychosocial stage: Industry vs Inferiority. Piaget stages of cognitive development: Concrete Operational
  • I became an Aunt

    I became an Aunt
    My first of threee nephews was born! Ethan Carl Prong, that is when I became an Aunt!
  • Family

    Here is my nephew Ethan when he was just a few months old. I loved being an aunt. We spent lots of tie with out family, that showed me as a child that family is a priority and we built strong reationships.
  • Sports

    I really enjoyed rollerskating as a kid, going to school events and birthdya parties at riverside arena and other skate rinks. I decided to take up skating lessons and almost skated completitively. I skated for over 4 years.
  • Baptized and morals.

    Baptized and morals.
    I was baptized by my dad on December 9th at my church. A lot of my morals as a child were based on my faith. I tried to model a good Christian, even though I was young, I felt I had a good idea on how to treat others and what type of person to be.
  • Family and Friends

    Family and Friends
    Family and close friends was always an important thing. Parents influence children so much and I was raised to cherish what you have. They encouraged learning, fostered self-respect, nuruture friendship, and provided harmony (Berger, 377). Here my close family friends and family and I would sepdn ltos of time together, we went to the movies in our pajamas.
  • Height and Health/Asthma

    I was always one of the shorter ones in all my classes. I was slightly below average height. Everyone was always taller than me, even some of the kids in younger grades! In early January, I started experiencing difficulty breathing, frequent bronchitis, and began to have asthma attacks. Went to the doctors and I was diagnosed with asthma, was given an inhaler, and was also given steriods. I have never broken a bone in my body, but I've had many breathing treatments and cases of brochitis for yea
  • Won the Spelling Bee

    In the 4th grade, I won the spelling bee test in my class. I was always skilled in reading and language arts, reading was something I loved to do. I was able to udnerstand structures and had an extended range of cognitivity, I had more analytical vocabulary, I could understand prefezes and suffixes (Berger, 377).
  • Period: to


    From ages 11-18, this is the adolescent stage of development (Berger, 15).
  • My 6th grade class

    My 6th grade class
    When I was in the 6th grade, I had a growth spurt and was one of the taller ones in the class. I began to develop more womanly features and grew to be several inches taller than most of the girls. But unfortuantley, I did not grow much taller after that! I was then 5'3.
  • Identity vs. Role confusion

    According to Erickson, around this age, tis is when adolescents develope a sense of who they are/identity. Success will lead to finding of ones self, while failure leads to role confusion and one holding little value of themselves.
  • Began menstruation

    Sorry if this is TMI, but this was the date of when I began menstruation.
  • Anxiety & Body Image

    "Body Image: a persons idea of how his or her body looks" (Berger, 390). During my freshmen year of high school, I was very self concious and had a lot of anxiety. I did have to take medication for it. I was constantly worried about what others thought of me, and my body image all throughout high school was a huge indicator of my happiness. I worried about it a lot, and became less happy when I was over weight.
  • Track

    Started the 1st of 4 years on Churchills track and field team, I did shopt put and discuss.
  • Concrete Operational

    At this age, Piaget describes the type of cognitive development as Concrete operational. I was able to think more logically, but at times, my thinking was rigid. I did struggle but was able to grasp and undersand abstract and hypothetical concepts
  • Coaching

    My 1st of 4 years coaching pom for the Livonia orioels Varsity Cheer team!
  • Homecing Queen

    Homecing Queen
    I was elected Churchil High Schools Homecoming Queen!
  • Period: to

    Emerging adulthood

    From ages 18-25, this is the development stage for emerging adulthood.
  • Extracurricular Activities, Varsity Pom

    Extracurricular Activities, Varsity Pom
    Senior year States! My fourth an final eyar on Churchill Varsity pom
  • Imaginary Audience

    During the adolescent age, egocentrism is a very common trait that teens so ocmmonly have. I so often beleived that people were always watching me, taking note of my behavior, judging my appearance, making me very self concious and I behaved as if I was on stage at times.
  • Graduation

    Graduated from Churchill High School!
  • Graduation Party

    Graduation Party
    Had my graduation party!
  • Formal operational

    At this stage of cognitive development, Piaget describes it as an increase of logic, ability to have deductive reasoning, and better understand abstract ideas
  • Intimacy vs Isolation

    In young adulthood, Erickson believes that in this stage of development, young adults should form intimate and loving relationships with others. Failure will lead to loneliness and isolation, while success will have strong relationships.
  • Body changes and Accomplishments

    Body changes and Accomplishments
    Around the year I turned 19, I began to finally grow again! I had not grown since middle school, and I finally began to grow more womanly features, specifically in the chest department. I began to develop more curves and grew a few inches taller! I also won states for the very first time on Atomic pom!
  • College Pom Team Wins States

    College Pom Team Wins States
    My pom team (Atomic Pom) won the Collegiate division state championship for the 2nd year in a row!
  • Work/Occupation

    I would like to have earned a bachelours or masters in nursing and begin to work in a childrens hospital! I would like to become a pediatric nruse and specialize in oncology
  • Period: to


    From the ages 25-65, this is the development span of adult hood
  • Ownership

    I wouldlike to own a saint bernard!
  • Physical Well Being/Delay Discounting

    Hopefully at this age, I will still be physically fit and healthy. Hopefully I will not post pone healthy eating and excericse and develope a snse of delay discounting. Sicne delay discoutning invloves ignoring or undervaluing future consequences and rewards, hopefully I can watch what I eat and exercise often becuase if I do not, I cand evelopme serious health problems and increase future risk of disease
  • Marriage

    Hopefully by the age of 25 or around then, I will be married. No cohabitiation before hand
  • Ownership

    I would like to have moved out on my own and after getting my degree and fining a job, I would like to be able to support myself
  • Graduation!

    Hopefully I will have graduated with a masters in pediatric nursing specilizing in oncology!
  • Family

    Hopefully be the age of 30, I will have already been married and have started a family.
  • Generativity vs Stagnation

    In the middle stages of adulthood, Erickson beleives that in this phase, adults must have things that will outlast them, like having children, a family, and create positive change that will positively affect others.
  • Avoid Midlife crisis

    Hopefully at this point in my life, I can avoid a midlife crisis and remain a positive and happy woman with as little stress as possible. I would like to have had at least 3 children by now, maybe adopt one, and have had at least three different types of dogs.
  • Moral growth/Faith

    I can see myself still being an active member in a church, still going to church regularly and being strong oin my Christianity Faith.
  • Social Life

    Keeping a social life is a very important aspect, hopefully lots of my friends will still be alive and I will be actively going out with them and having tea parties! That would be fun.
  • Formal Operational

  • Ego Integrity vs. Despair

    According to Erik Erickson, this is the age of common retirement, and looking back on ones life to feel a sense of fullfilment. Hopefully, I can look back and be happy with my life and have accomplished many great things!
  • Retirement

    Hopefully by the age of 65, I will still be happily married still and retired. And have grandchildren!
  • Period: to

    Late adulthood

    From ages 65 nd past, this is the developmental period of late adulthood.
  • Retirement Home

    Hopefully I will not be in a reitrement home! I would like to be able to take care of myself and be normally functional even at a very old age!
  • Aging in Place

    Hopefully at this age, I will be retired and be active still. I would like to garden, keep up on housework, and do lots of puzzles to keep my brain active! Mental stimulation is a great way to prevent alzheimers.
  • Alzheimers

    My friends always joke about my poor memory and joke saying I will have alzheimers. I surely do not hope that this happens. But because I am female, I have a 1 in 6 chnce of having this disease.
  • Biosocial

    Hopefully I will still be physically active, and maintian a good weight for my age. I do love lots of food, so hopefully I can still eat spicy mexican food! Also, I should weigh around 133 pounds because of my age and height.
  • Moral Growth/Faith

    Hopefully at this age, I will stll be an active member in the church and keep my faith, I believe that when I pass, I will be in heaven.
  • Death date

    Hopefully I will live to be the age of around 93. I want to look back and enjoy life, have kids, hopefully my husband will still be alive, and hopefully will have lots of flowers on my grave. I want to have made an impact on my childrens life and this world in a ositive way.