Desktop publishing

  • I was born

    I was born
    I was born in Danbury Connecticut early in the morning. I was named Sonny and my grandmother gave me the middlename Moemany. I was a fat baby
  • Terror Strikes

    Terror Strikes' ></a>The Al Queda terroist group deply an attack on America targetting the Twin Towers, Pentagon, and White House. The attack on the White house failed because the passengers on board fought the terrorist to bring down the plane before it could hit. There were originally 4 planes
  • I started kindergarten

    I started kindergarten
    I started my school career and attented Ida Rankin elementary school. From what I remember I was bad in class and had to pull a yellow card everyday. I eventually got better but was still pretty bad. I passed kindergarten barely.
  • Started middle school

    Started middle school
    It was time for nap time to be over and i start something semi chellenging for me at that point in time. Starting 6th grade at hount holly middle school where I was socially awkward and weird. I did however make good grades since I had no friends and raised the 3rd most fundraiser money. My teachers like me too.
  • First African American President

    First African American President african american president Barack Hussein Obama gets elected into office over John Mcain. There was a be a lot of contraversy saying he only won because he was black and that he had terrible goals as a president. He acutally proved to bea good president.
  • Last day of middle School

    Last day of middle School
    Finished Jr Highschool with good grades (i think) and was mentally prepared for highschool. Middle school was terrible because I was still socially awkward and had like 5 friends. I left with high hopes of Highschool.
  • Star Wars is bought by Disney

    Star Wars is bought by Disney
    '' ></a> Star Wars gets bought out from George Lucas for $4 billion dollars. Disney now has complete control over the course of Star Wars. George Lucas is happy about this when he says " for the past 35 years i've been waiting for Star Wars to be handed from one generation to the next."
  • Obama Again!

    Obama Again! Obama get re-lected into office over his opponent Mitt Romney. Even though the public said he was a terrible president he still got re-elected only this time it was an extremely close win. Mitt Romney lost support from Connecticut which cost him the win
  • One of the greatest actors in history dies

    One of the greatest actors in history dies' ></a> Paul Walker died in a car crash on this day. He died while driving to a charity event but he was speeding. A lot of people who knew Paul Walker said atleast he died doing what he loved; driving fast.
  • Starting my last year of highschool

    Starting my last year of highschool
    Starting my last year of highschool as a senior football player who soon has to apply for colleges. I am not ready to start college But i Still have a job so that's kinda good. I hae a wonderful girlfriend and things are going great