David White and Austin Deaver

By slhs
  • Treaty of Paris

    Treaty of Paris
    During the last few battles of the Revolutionary War, the French helped the Colonists defeate the British. However after the war, the Treaty of Paris was made to grant generous boundaries from the British.
  • Land Ordinance

    Land Ordinance
    This was the answer to the question of "How will the new lands in the Ohio Valley be divided up?" The people divided the land into squares with a section was 1sq. mile and a township being 36sq. miles
  • Northwest Ordinance

    Northwest Ordinance
    This answered the question of "How will new states be made once people move out there?" This ordinance was set up in 3 stages
  • Jays Treaty

    Jays Treaty
    John Jay set up this treaty. His treaty plans consisted of paying off debts to Britain, making British leave frontier posts, and the paying of damages during Impressment.
  • Pickneys Treaty

    Pickneys Treaty
    This gave Americans the right to travel down the mississippi river and the disputed area of Florida
  • Napoleon Captures Louisiana

    Napoleon Captures Louisiana
    Napoleon won Louisiana over the Spanish. However this voided the Pinckey treaty, and it also prevented Thomas Jefferson from traveling along the Mississppi river.
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    Later on, James Monroe and Robert r. Livingston made a deal so that Napolean would give up Louisiana for fifteen million dollars.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    Due to the impressment of American sailors and attacks on American ships, Pressident James Madison declared war on Great Britain. The war would not end until 1815.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    This treaty was a cease-fire for America and Great Britain. Howver, the treaty would not arrive to America until after the Battle of New Orleans.
  • Treaty of 1818

    Treaty of 1818
    This permitted Americans to share the Newfoundland fisheries with their Canadian cousins.
  • Spain Cedes Florida to US

    Spain Cedes Florida to US
    Due to international problems in South America, spain ceded Florida. Later on, Andrew Jackson secured it as part of the U.S.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    Congress agreed to admit Missouri as a slave state. But at the same time, Maine was admitted as a free state. So Congress made a boundary at 36 degrees 30 degrees, which helped close theblightof slavery.
  • Sephen Austin Leads the Old 300

    Sephen Austin Leads the Old 300
    Stephan Austin led 300 families into Texas. However at the time, Mexico had control over Texas. So in order to go into Texas, the familes had to become Mexican citizens, become Catholic, and have no slaves.
  • U.S. Annexes Texas

    U.S. Annexes Texas
    After much debating, Texas became the twentyeighth state of the United States
  • U.S. Settles Oegon Dispute

    U.S. Settles Oegon Dispute
    The Britsh Minister in Washington set a compromise line at 49 degrees. This area settled the focus of dispute in 1846
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    Gold in California was first discovered in 1848. Overnight, the Golden State became packed with thousands of people eager to find gold.
  • Gadsen Purchase

    Gadsen Purchase
    A treaty signed by James Gadsen which gave the U.S. a region of land that consisted parts of Mexico, Arizona, and New Mexico.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Stephen A. Douglas delivered a counterstroke to the Gadsen Purchase. He took Nebraska and divided it in two, making it Nebraska and Kansas.
  • U.S. Purchases Alaska From Russia

    U.S. Purchases Alaska From Russia
    Russia was on the urge of war with Great Britain. Since Britain was sure to capture Alaska Russia wanted to sell it. The U.S. they bought Alaska from the Russians in 1867.
  • Oklahoma Opened to Settlement

    Oklahoma Opened to Settlement
    Oklahoma was opened to thousands of families who were looing for a new life.
  • Utah Becomes A State

    Utah Becomes A State
    Utah became the 45th stae in the U.S. This led to many familes and Mormons traveling west to start a new life. Today, 63% of the Utah population is considered Morman.