Darwin's voyage on the Beagle

  • The beginning

    Darwin plans a trip to the Canary Islands, off the coast of Africa for 6 months
  • Darwin crossed the equator

    Darwin had crossed the equator while on the Beagle voyage.
  • Darwin reaches brazil

    Darwin explores the Brazil and explores the Brazilian Rainforest
  • Argentina

    Darwin dug up fossils of huge extinct animals.
  • Falkland islands

    Darwin finds the barren, windswept Falkland Islands 'desolate and wretched.' However, he then encounters 'primitive lookng rocks' and finds them to be fossils. The Falklands were filled with brachiopods, which are 2 shelled animals once among the most abundant animals on Earth
  • Chile

    The earthquake that Darwin experienced lifted the ocean floor 2.7 meters or 9 feet above sea level. He also found rocks containing fossil sea shells in mountains high above sea level.
  • Australia

    Darwin saw all the different variety of marsupials and began to wonder why there is a completely different set of mammals in Australia.
  • South America

    In the jungles of South America, Darwin discovers many incredible creatures. but sense he was homesick and seasick, Darwin is dismayed when the Beagle makes an unscheduled detour to make additional longitudinal measurements.
  • England

    Darwin and Captain FitzRoy reached the end of their voyage on the Beagle and have returned home to England to share their discoveries and theories.