
Evolution Revolution

  • Bishop Usher

    Bishop Usher
    He calculated that the creation of Earth and Heaven happened in 4004 B.C.; he did this by using biblical chronology.
  • Spontaneous Generation

    Spontaneous Generation
    This is the “production” of living organisms from the non-living matter. A physician called Francesco Redi, shows why fly maggots often crop up in putrefied meat. They are the things that exist that are so small, the naked eye can't see.
  • Linnaeus´s

    He classified all types of life on Earth. Charles Darwin will be majorly influenced, as well as other naturalists. His system was related to God’s intents, which means each species is a different “archetype”.
  • Comte de Buffon

    Comte de Buffon
    Buffon’s ideas were that humans and apes descended from the same ancestor. He also says that we according to natural laws; this ideas were considered radical ideas back then.
  • Natural Theology

    Natural Theology
    This is the Theology of God based on facts, apart from divine revelation. One of the things William Paley the eye for his proof and/or example: he says that such a complex organ, must have been designed by an intelligent person. He compares this to the pocket watch, for its complexity.
  • Lamarck

    What Lamarck proposes in this time, is that over time things get more complex, while they evolve over time. He believes that acquired traits are passed on to their next generations, because of use or disuse; which helps them adapt to their environment.
  • Cuvier

    The construction of canals and mines in the early 19th century unearths fossils of bizarre and extinct creatures. Cuvier rails against the notion that past life evolves unto present forms.
  • Lyell

    Charles Lyell helps further this idea by arguing that slow-moving, gradual processes explain Earth`s geology.
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    Beagle Voyage

    When Charles Darwin begins his voyage around the world, he intend to spend his life in the clergy. At the end of he’s two-year trip he was already a changed man committed to a life in science.
  • Neanderthal

    The unearthing of a fossil skull in Germany`s Neander Valley fuels a debate over whether all humans are the direct descendants of Adam and Eve. Some wonder wether Neanderthal Man might have been the result of a separate act of Creation.
  • Wallace

    Alfred Russel Wallace is a young explorer that writes Darwin from Malaysia seeking the older naturalist`s advice. He has a theory of how species might evolve.
  • Origin of Species

    Origin of Species
    Darwin’s book is a major influence. He states that species of the world evolve by means of natural selection. By his book, he assures he in not denying God , but that there is a greater view of life, than the Bible.
  • Ape Debate

    Ape Debate
    Critics attack Darwin and his book by criticizing that he bestialized humans, when he does not specify humans in his book. This makes critics assume he considers humans and apes the same; and Henry Huxley defends him.
  • Evolution Accepted

    Evolution Accepted
    \Even though Darwin’s theory is still doubted, it becomes mainstream science. It starts to be published everywhere and starts being promoted; because of Darwin’s book.
  • Decedent of Man

    Decedent of Man
    Here, Darwin starts to focus on human evolution, in his new book. He mentions that individuals should fit to survive, and be irresistible to the opposite sex, to pass along traits to future generations.
  • Horse Fossils

    Horse Fossils
    Thomas Huxley journeys to the U.S to give public lectures. He joins with Charles Marsh, who discovered horse fossils, who had 4 toes. They were both correct when they find the fossil of their predicted 5-toed animal.
  • Darwin's Burial

    Darwin's Burial
    Darwin dies, and is buried near Newton’s grave. After he dies, the Anglican Church, accepts evolution and so do a lot of people, while still combining these theories with their religious beliefs.
  • Radioactivity

    Antoine Henry Becquerel discovers radioactivity; with means that there were new techniques to measure how old the world was, with the rocks. There comes to a conclusion that eart is more than 4.3 billion years old.
  • Pilldown Man

    Pilldown Man
    Critics and proponents of evolution eagerly await the discover of a “missing link” between humans and other primates, the fossil skull called Piltdown Man seems to be this links. In the 1920s a model of the skill is even brought to the Scopes trial. man like ape
  • Anti-Evolution Bills

    Anti-Evolution Bills
    Spurred by William Jennings Bryan and a growing grassroots movement, six Southern and border states consider anti-evolution proposals, two measures pass.
  • Textbook

    Publishers remove references to evolution from biology textbooks. The teaching of evolution is curbed around the country.
  • Tennessee Bill

    Tennessee Bill
    By an overwelming majority, the Tennesee Legislature passes a bill that makes it a misdemeanor for public school teacher “ to teach any theory that denies the story of the Divine Creation of man as thaught in the Bible, and to teach instead that man had descended from a lowe order of animal.”
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    First Anti-Evolution Bill

    Some 35 new anti evolution bills are proposed in 20 states and three states pass laws. Almost all of the South and some of the West are affected by some form of restriction on teaching evolution.
  • Neo Darwinism

    Neo Darwinism
    By the early 1940s the science of genetics has offered profound new insights into evolution.
  • Evolution Shunned

    Evolution Shunned
    With textbooks effectively censored by commercial concerns the teaching of evolution hits a low point.
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    Sumpreme Court

    The Constitutional limit on the establishment of religion was interpreted to mean only that government should not give explicit preference to any denomination but in 1947 the Supreme Court rules that neither a state or a federal government “can pass laws which aid one religion, or prefer one religion over another”
  • Pope Pius XII

    Pope Pius XII
    In his paper on human origins, Pope Pius XII considers evolution as a serious hypothesis worthy of in-depth study.
  • Origins of Life

    Origins of Life
    With electricity currents to act as lightning and a soup of inorganic chemicals to simulate the conditions of ancient Earth, a young graduate student named Stanley Miller produces amino acids-- key chemical building blocks of life.
  • DNA

    Science has known for decades that genes determine the traits of living things and that they are passes down throughout generation but it takes the discovery of the double-helix structure of DNA to unlock the detail of what genes are and how they work.
  • Human and Apes

    Human and Apes
    Breakthroughs in genetic science allow researchers to see striking similarities in the DNA blueprints for humans and apes.
  • Supreme Court on Evolution

    Supreme Court on Evolution
    In the wake of the Sputnik-era push for better science education, lawsuits begin challenging antievolutionist legislation in the South.
  • DNA Codes

    DNA Codes
    Before reading DNA was hard, and time consuming, but now with new technology, it is easy to read blueprints! This has made it easier and simpler for scientist to research how various animals have evolved over time.
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    Textbook Disclaimer

    Certain schools boards, passed a requirement that all text books must say that evolution is a theory and not a fact. It should not mess with the biblical standpoint, and everywhere it’s taught it must me stated that it is controversial.
  • Pople John Paul II

    Pople John Paul II
    After Prius XII accepted the theory of evolution, Pope John Paul II took t to a completely different level. He mentioned “it is indeed remarkable”, as well as, all of different thing of nature coming together was a great argument in favor of the theory.
  • Science Standards

    Science Standards
    A nationwide study sponsored by The Fordham Foundation laments that 19 U.S states do “a weal-to-reprehensible job of handling evolution in their science standards.”
  • Human Genome

    Human Genome
    Human Genome: 2001- WIth the first draft of sequence of human genome, it helped scientist observe our similarities as humans to chimpanzees, and even fruit flies and other animals. It also helps scientist learn about how humans have evolved throughout the years.