Danielle's Life

  • birth

    I was born this day at 11:33 am. Exciting but dont know how I felt because I was just a baby. My mom & dad were grateful.
  • Period: to

    Danielle's lifespam

  • best friends

    best friends
    Lydia Brahuer was my first best friend till this day, we have alot of memories together, we always make each other laugh alot. I'm so grateful she's my best friend. I learned that you should always surrond yourself around postive people.
  • Arm Injury

    Arm Injury
    My brother and I were in a bouncy place. As I was going down a slide my brother grabbed my arm and POP my arm pulls out of socket! Wanna know something crazy? Like 2 days before I went to the bouncy place I had just gotten my arm out of a cast!!
  • getting lost

    getting lost
    When I was a young sapling, I played soccer! It was the end of the game, as we were walking out my mom disappered! I was so scared, then I saw my friends mom and she called my mom and she came to get me. I learned that I can solve my problems with a little bit of help.
  • Cancer

    My aunt was dianosed with Cancer. She had just finished up her last chemo, and we are waiting for the results. I learned that you should always stand by your loved ones side.
  • Dragster

    My frist time on the top- trill Dragster in Cedar Point. I was so scared, but once it was over i wanted to go again. I learned that you should always try new things, you could love it.
  • Halloween

    Halloween was a blast! I went with all my best friends, it was very rainy and cold out. As we went back to my friends house, the next day we all got sick! I learned that you shouldn't be running outside when it's rainy and cold.
  • Books

    I fell in love with a book and a writer. He made me relaize how much I love reading and writing! I learned that reading is a great thing and can help you in the future.
  • Grandfather

    I lost my inspiration, my grandfather. He was a vetern and he loved flying and I just miss him so much. I learned that family is forever no matter what.
  • Glasses

    I got my first glasses, I was so scared what people were going to think of me. I got alot of commpliments on them! I learned that even if people don't like you it shouldn't matter to you!
  • Pier swimming

    Pier swimming
    My family and I went to a pier up north. It was bit stormy but we decided to swin anyways. The current started to pull me out, I was so scarewd, but I swam hard and I got back on shore. I learned that you shouldn't swim during storms.
  • Volleyball

    3 days before volleyball tryouts my friend texted me saying I should try out. I decided to give it a shot, I actually made the team too! I learned that you should try new things even if you're scared.
  • Homecoming

    Homecoming was a blast! I had so much fun and I hung out with all my best friends. I saw some kids making BAD decisons and I made sure to stay away from those people. I learned that making bad choices can effect you in the future.
  • Death

    My brothers friend, whom I was close with mother passed away. He felt so bad because before she passed they had a big argument. I learned to always say I love you to a person whom you love because you never know when they are going to pass.