Daniela Rangel 6th period The Battles

  • Battle of Gonzales

    Battle of Gonzales
    This Battle resulted in the first casualties of the Revolutionary War.
  • Battle of Goilad

    Battle of Goilad
    The March.
  • Battle of Concepcion

    Battle of Concepcion
    In the last offensive ordered by General Martin Perfecto de Cos during the Texas Revolution, Mexican soldiers surprised a Texan force camped near Mission Concepción. The Texans repulsed several attacks with what historian Alwyn Barr described as "able leadership, a strong position, and greater firepower".
  • Battle of Lipantitlan

    Battle of Lipantitlan
    Texas captured and destroyed Fort Lipantitlan. Most Mexian troops retreated to matamoros.
  • Seige of San Antonio de Bexar

    Seige of San Antonio de Bexar
    In a six week seige,Texans attacked Bexar and fought from house to house for 5 days . All mexican troops were forced to retreat beyond the Rio Grande, leaving the Texans in control.
  • Battle of San Patricio

    Battle of San Patricio
    This was the first battle of the Goliad Campaign. The Johnson-Grant venture, the first battle of the Texas Revolution in which the Mexican Army was the victor.