Dana's Life Timeline

  • The Begginning of it All

    The Begginning of it All
    July 23, the day when I saw the world for the very first time. I was born in the St. Boniface Hospital at 7:47 in the morning. It was a glorious day and in an instant my big sister finally had a little sister...me.
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    Dana's Life Timeline

    This is a timeline throughtout my life, portaining to everything important that has happened to me. :)
  • The Magic of Disney

    The Magic of Disney
    This was one of my earliest memories and yet it has stuck with me. When I was three years old, my family took a trip to Disney World, where at night we watched the fireworks at Cinderella's castle. even though I was so young, I remember it, I remember it as the most spectacular sight I had ever seen. In some strange way, this moment has impacted my life in the way that small things can be beautiful. This has stayed with me through all my years, because at that moment my life was truly magical.
  • A Childhood Idol

    A Childhood Idol
    Meeting a princesss for a three year old is like seeing the world for the first time. My childhood idol, like so many children was the famous Little Mermaid. We were in Disney World and the line to meet Ariel was extremely long, but I didn't remember waiting. I remember the amazing feeling of sitting beside a REAL PRINCESS, nothing could have been better. Meeting someone you had always looked up to and idolized is a moment in your life you cherish deeply, and think back to.
  • New Life

    New Life
    Moving into a new house is exciting because it's altering your life forever. My old house held the cradle of all my childhood memories, something that some people may have trouble forgetting. To me, it was exhilarating. I had watched it being built, the fresh wood frames, and finally, finally we were here. I would grow up in a room that is bigger than a closet, be able to look out onto a lake from our balcony. It was a change, a good change, a for change for the best.
  • Hannah... My Sister

    Hannah... My Sister
    For five years, I had been the youngest of my family. When I heard that I was going to be a older sister, I was amazingly excited. I remember the first time I ever held Hannah, she was the cutest of all three of us, and truly wonderful. Of course when I was holding her the only thought that was really going through my mind was "Is she going to pee on me?". She was the perfect gift to me that would complete my life and I couldn't imagine the world without her.
  • First Mountain Experience.

    First Mountain Experience.
    It was probably one of the most bitter and cold days that winter when we skiied for the first time in the mountains. There is something about flying down a MOUNTAIN that is truly amazing. My father was definetly my idol through all my skiing adventures. He was the perfect model to success. I wanted to be like him. That was partially why skiing became so much fun, half because it was so exhilarating and half because I wanted to be the very best of the best.
  • A Little Purple Dog

    A Little Purple Dog
    We were in Clear Lake, camping for a couple of days. My Grandma, my mother and father, my sisters, and I were all squished in a small cabin. But we were happy. Beside the camp ground, was a small town, with quant shops and boutiques along the road. We looked around and walked into a little shop that looked like a gingerbread house. The shelves were stuffed with soft stuffed animals. I saw something out of the corner of my eye. A purple dog, that has been there to hug ever since that summer day.
  • Ride Into Adventure

    Ride Into Adventure
    Balloons whirled in the breezy summer day, an aroma of livestock whistling past our house. It was my birthday, the most important day of the year as far as I was concerned, but this was a particularily special birthday. Ponies were coming to my birthday party. My favorite animal would be the center of attention at my birthday party and we would all get to ride one. It was a fairytale come true. Everything was perfect on that day and I rode in the adventurous land of my back yard.
  • My Turning Point Into the Written World

    My Turning Point Into the Written World
    It was grade three, a perfect year for experimentations and exciting new things. I love to imagine that somewhere there were magical things outside of these four walls. There is only one way to achieve that dream though. Reading. Unfortunately, that was something I wasn't particulary good at. So when I took on the Harry Potter books, I new I was going for a big dive. But strangely, instead of failing, those books taught me how to imagine, and how to read.
  • Tropical Trip

    Tropical Trip
    It was dead winter and yet I swam in the heat of the burning sun...in Mexico. It was my very first time being anywhere so far away from home. It was a big turning point for me because it was the first time I got to experience a different culture and a different world. Everything was so memorable, like swimming on the beautiful beach of a small town, buying my treasured souvenir of a glass unicorn, and seeing a tropical paradise for the first time.
  • Eathan

    I craved to have a younger cousin for the longest time. It was terrible, to sit there surronded by people, but always so alone because everyone was always older than you. One night, when I was up in my room, the phone rang. My dad ran to get it, but didn't get there in time, so the answering machine went. And that message altered my life. Forever. I was going to have a baby second cousin.
  • Conquering Test Track

    Conquering Test Track
    Test Track. The fastest rollercoaster in all Disney World was going to be the ride of my life. I was as scared as can be as my dad and I got into the "car" and started off on the rollercoster. It turns out, if you never try, you never know what you are missing, it turns out, that was my highlight of the whole trip. The rollercoaster was an epic experience of thrilling turns and deathening speeds. You may miss an amazing opportunity, if you never take the risk, and I'm so glad I did.
  • Almost

    It was spring and gloomy, and only one thing that could cheer me up, was a dog. My parents told us that they were thinking of buying a dog. All my life I had waited for this moment, and it was finally here. We had gone to the breeder and met a beautiful chocolate labrodor puupy, and I fell in love with her instantly. Later that day though, my parents broke the news. We weren't going to get one. And there on that day, my soul dream, the one that had stuck with me all my life, had been crushed.
  • April's Gift

    April's Gift
    Another April day, not so long ago, my long lost dream finally came true. Not only did this redifine possible, it gave me a gift I ever though anyone could ever give. I got Tessa, my dog. Through these years, she has always been there, and I am so happy for that day I got her. Who new a little chocolate puppy, could change somebodies life. Through this crazy journey she has frusterated me, brightened my spirits, but most of all, taught me the secret of life: happiness.
  • Taking the Wheel

    Taking the Wheel
    The slow motion of rippling waves of the clear lake washed apon the rocky shores of our property. The old rickety boat sat floating tied up on the dock. The four of us; my dad, my two sisters, and me all climbed in and we eased off the dock, into the deep unknown of our bay. He told me to take the handle of the boat. It was my very first time ever driving a machine. Although all I was doing was basically going around in circles, it still gave me my first feeling of resposibilty.
  • Recarnation of Something Magical

    Recarnation of Something Magical
    I was yet again under the spell of captivating fireworks, that captured the night sky in electric movements. My family had taken a trip to Disney World and for the third time I sat under a brilliantly painted sky at Cinderella's Castle. I thought back to the time when I was three and sat in fascination staring up at the sky in that very same spot. The fireworks at Disney World were always ones I have remembered and they have inspired me in every way possible.
  • Diamonds

    It was spring, but the blistering cold wind still ruled on the highest peaks of the Rockies. An old sign with a single diamond painted black guarded the path ahead. Unlike the small black diamond runs in Manitoba, this was like falling down a mountain, with an avalache following behind you. It was simply amazing to feel like you had down something not a lot of people have done. It was exciting to feel the rush of rocketing down the mountain and speeding over the bumps and twists of that run.
  • A Jump Into Competiton

    A Jump Into Competiton
    The track was buzzing with excitement and I myself was excited as well. The high jump bar was set up at the left of the track, gleaming in it's glory. Today was the day I would compete for the top of grade seven girls' provincial high jump. It was exhilirating as well as nerve racking. My firsts jumps I had all gotten over, but now I was getting into my second and third jumps, merely scraping by in the compeition. In the end, I came in second and I eagerly await next year, to beat my record.
  • Last Year

    Last Year
    This would be the last year I would enter into the school I knew as a student to the school. This was the year our grade would be looked up at and expected to take a stand in our leadership roles of seniors of this school. It was a lot to take, enure, and ignore the pressure, but although I was incredibly nervous I was also excited to take on the role of a senior student and be able to have a sense of responsibilty. This was going to be a hard, fun, and crazy year, I knew for certain.
  • A Tea Party to Remember

    A Tea Party to Remember
    It was an ordinary April day to anyone, but four imaginative girls. On that day, something magical sparked and hasn't died yet, and I'm certain it will keep burning until the end of time. It was warm and breezy day, a perfect day for a tea party outside. Alone with my friends back yard we set up and decorated her little tree house, a perfect spot for a tea party. We blasted music and danced in the dew of the grass. Somehow this tea party brought us all together, and we remain friends today.