
Curiosity-The Mars Rover

By edarg2
  • Curiosity's blast off

    Curiosity's blast off
    Curiosity blasted off to Mars from Cape Canaveral.
  • Curiosity's landing

    Curiosity's landing
    Curiosity landed safely in the Gale Crater.
  • Say Cheese!

    Say Cheese!
    Curiosity's first colored picture on Mars taken.
  • Curiosity finds water!

    Curiosity finds water!
    That's right. Curiosity has found a trace of water in the soil on Mars.
  • Good Night

    Good Night
    Curiosity had to temperarely "go to sleep" because of the Government shutdown, collecting no data for as long as it lasted.
  • PewPewPew!

    Curiosity has been confirmed to have shot 100,000 laser shots into the Martian rock since its landing.
  • Curiosity set to dig

    Curiosity has been sent to start digging away at the Martion surface for Organic Material.
  • Where did it go?

    Where did it go?
    Curiosity detects that the atmosphere on mars once upon a time had fanished do to a catastrophic event.