Culminating Exam

  • Jan 1, 1300

    Ming Dynasty

    Ming Dynasty
    the chinese had the best ships
    china wanted to be self sufficiuent county
    their naval power did not continue for too long
  • Jan 1, 1350

    The Renaissance

    The Renaissance
    -a period from 1330 to 1550
    -It was the time that information and ideas spread
    -It was a time of renewal
    -began in Italy
    -there were 3 estates:
    -the first: nobles
    -the second: townspeople
    -the third: peasants
  • Nov 10, 1483

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    -priest, teacher, and monk.
    -worte the 95 theses
    -The churches methods for overcoming sin gave him no confort.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Age of Exploration & Columbus' Voyages

    Age of Exploration & Columbus' Voyages
    -It began in the 1500s until the 1800s
    -he believed that he could reach Asia through another route other than around the tip of Africa
    -believed that the earth was round, not flat.
    -reached the new world but thought he landed in he indies.
    -Spain gained most of the americas because of him
  • Jan 1, 1500

    Triangular Trade

    Triangular Trade
    preiod between 1500s and 1800s
    cotton good from europe to africa
    slaves were traded from africa to the americas
    agricultural goods from the americas to europe
  • Jan 1, 1517

    95 Theses

    95 Theses
    95 thesis, or 95 statements about the church's indulgences This was written by Martin Luther.
    He posted it on the church's front door.
  • enclosure acts

    enclosure acts
    united kingsdom acts of parliament
    people fenced off pieces of land
    landowners added to their holdings
  • undustrial revolution

    undustrial revolution
    rapid industry development in 1715-1851
  • Napoleon

    wanted to control french
    very cunning
    tricked people
    started war with russia
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    three groups with legislative assmbly
    domestic issues
    foreigh invasion
  • storming of the bastile

    storming of the bastile
    happened in 1789
    national assmebly met up
    tennis court oath
    invaded prison
  • reign of terror

    reign of terror
    happened after the french revolution
    worked to stop opposition
    killed people on the guillatine
  • Opium Wars

    Opium Wars
    british didnt respond
    they started trading opium into china
    the chinese tried to stop it but then war broke out
    the war lasted for 3 years
    the treaty of nanjing ended it
  • indian revolt 1857

    indian revolt 1857
    started 1857
    first war of independance for indians
    rumers said that the bullets of europenas had pig and cow fat in them and this angered the indians
  • berlin conferance

    berlin conferance
    lots of countries wanted land in africa
    germany, britain, portugal met up
    they divided the land up
    no african officials were present
  • open door policy

    open door policy
    us government appealed to other nations for it
    under this all nations had equal right to the land of china
  • imperialism

    extension of a nations power
    had property on other lands
    held control
  • napoleonic wars

    napoleonic wars
    wars declared bvy napoleon
    french demands
    sewed nationalism in germany and italy
    battle of austerlitz
    battle of waterloo
  • tai ping rebellion

    tai ping rebellion
    lasted from 1850-1864
    peasant revolt
    lead by hong xiuquan who hasa
    he was a christian convert
    qing dynasty
  • boxer rebellion

    boxer rebellion
    shadow boxing warriors
    they were part of a secret society
    they wanted foreigh control
    used force to get things
    went around and killed people