Cover 18

Countries in Spanish American War

  • Cuba

    William McKinley declares war after blow up of The Maine, influential Yellow Journalism, and seeing a stolen and insulting letter from Dupuy de Lome. America intervenes in Cuban revolution over Spain and wins the Spanish American War, however they do experience supply and mobilization problems; Platt Amendment.
  • Puerto Rico

    Puerto Rico
    American military forces occupied the islands after it received some degree of independence. Similar to Hawaii, Puerto Rico also flourished off of sugar exports to the U.S. In 1917, The Jones Act is passed which declared Puerto Rico as a U.S territory.
  • Philippines

    Started with George Dewey's victory in Manila. The U.S felt they were unable to maintain a stable government. William Taft becomes the first governor. Filipino revolution occurs; The economy of the Philippines soon becomes increasingly linked to the U.S. The islands wouldn't gain their independence until 1946.
  • Haiti

    Wilson lands marines in 1915 to quell a revolution in the course of which a mob had murdered an unpopular president. American forces remained there until 1934 and drafted the new Haitian constitution adopted in 1918.