Contributions to Psychology

  • Period: Sep 14, 1001 to Sep 14, 1002

    Socrates & Plato

    Socrates was Plato's teacher. Both of them believed that the mind is separated from the body, and that we are born with knowledge, rather than acquire it as we grow.
  • Sep 14, 1003


    Plato taught him. He analyzed data, observed, and believed that knowledge is acquired as we grow.
  • Francis Bacon

    Bacon believed that the mind percieves patterns and prefers order & equality in nature.
  • Rene Descartes

    Rene dissected animals and came up with basis for nerves. He believed that "animal spirits" connected the brain & muscles, and coursed through hollow passage ways we call nerves.
  • John Locke

    John Locke
    He stated that the human mind is a blank slate (tabula rasa) , and we gain knowledge as we grow (which contributed to the ideas of empiricism)
  • Charles Darwin

    Charles Darwin
    Darwin was interested in & contributed to evolutionary psychology and child/infant development.
  • Wilhelm Wundt

    Wilhelm conducted what is considered to be the first actual experiment in psychology. This experiment measured how long humans responded to a sound, and how long it took for them to press a button upon hearing the sound.
  • Dorothea Dix

    Dorothea was a humanatarian and helped to change the way mentally ill people were treated in mental hospitals.
  • G. Stanley Hall

    Hall was the first American to get a degree in Psychology, and he was the first President of the APA. He was particularly interested in child growth & evolutionary psychology.
  • William James

    He believed that bodily functions (such as thinking, smelling, sight, etc) were a result of adaptation. He was a functionalist (exploration of consciousness). He also lectured and taught psychology, and taught in Mary Calkins when women had few rights.
  • E.B. Titchener

    Titchener came up with structuralism, which focuses on the structural aspects of the mind, and why people feel & react the way they do. However, it was hard to measure/test this, so structuralism started to fade.
  • Mary Whiton Calkins

    Mary Whiton Calkins
    She was the first women to actually earn a degree in Psychology, but Harvard refused to give her the degree. She went on to become the first female president of the APA (American Psychological Association).
  • Rosalie Raynor

    Raynor worked with John B. Watson and was interested in conducting experiments to study psychology, especially child development.
  • Margaret Floy Washburn

    Washburn was the first woman to officially recieve a Ph.D in Psychology, she was also thev 2nd woman to be president of the APA. She wrote the book "The Animal Mind" and was interested in behavior and using experiments.