
Conquering Fear, Acquiring Freedom.

  • Birth of Victor Vuchkov

    Birth of Victor Vuchkov
    A baby boy named Victor Vuchkov is born in Moscow Russia on December 17, 1845. He lives in a small cottage with his 3 brothers, 2 sisters, his parents, and his grandparents (Father's Side)
  • Period: to

    First couple years of life.

    I am the center of the family. I get 2 meals a day and I am cared for 24/7 by either my mother or my sisters. I learn alot in this period of time,
  • Grandparents Die.

    I am only 4 years old. Trying my best to read. Trying my best to help my family. My grandparents die leaving $100.
  • I realize the economic crisis.

    Just after my 5th birthday money ran thinner and thinner. Sometimes we would have to go days without eating. I am currently reading all that I can to self-educate myself. I dream of becoming a buissness owner. The Dream seems unrealistically far away.
  • First Job!

    First Job!
    I got my first job sweeping and dusting a store. It dosen't pay well, but i need everything I can get.
  • Better Job

  • Enough money to go to America

    Enough money to go to America
    I have rounded up enough money to go to america. My parents say it would be for the best. I am happy they agree. I am going to america. I pack my bags. I am off on a journey to freedom!
  • Ellis Island (Continued)

    It is cramped in here! People of all different races are hear (mostly European). They put me through all different kinds of tests. The checked every cell of my body for signs of illness. I was hungry and tired of standing, I try to focus on the future that I will have in America.
  • Ellis Island

    Ellis Island
    The statue of liberty is in my sight. I am more nervous then I have ever been. I am terrified. I speak very little English and the only thing I brought with me is my revolver and a suitcase full of shabby clothes . I have know idea if I can start a business, and if so what will I sell?
  • Steel Mills

    Steel Mills
    I am so fluttered with ideas and thoughts. I have settled down in Pittsburgh PA and I work in the steel mills. My boss seems to hate the employees, Therefore I hate him also! (He hits, and threatens us) I work all day for little money. I decided to round up the employees he hates (pretty much all of them) and tell them that we will up rise and murder him. The deed is done. No one gets caught.
  • Tennements

    Sine the factory was shutdown I had no job and no income. I lived in a very low end tenement. It was comprised of a cot, a bookshelf, a smashed window, and a work desk. It smelled of dead rats and feces. In the summer it would reach the humid hundreds in my tenement, and in winter it could reach 10 degrees. To use the bathroom I would have to walk downstairs and go into a poorly crafted outhouse. Some people hung their rear ends out their windows and went that way.
  • New Job in America!

    The factory had to be shutdown because of unsafe working conditions (it was later bought by someone else and started up again). In the mean time I needed to get money to survive so I went into the meat packing industry. My first day on the job seemed easy enough.My specific job was spraying the meat with some type of preservative. The facility was definitely not suitable for food. I wanted to do something about the quality of the food, but it was my only source of income, so I kept my mouth shut
  • Protest

    One day I arrived at work to find that there was a boycott going on. Considering I felt the same way as these other people, I joined the boycott. You could tell that the boss was getting very, very angry. I went to the phone and made a call, thirty minutes later a group of African-Americans showed up and started running the factory and packaging meat! We had no choice, work or loose your job.