Technology 785742 1920

Computing History SCI Liana

  • Ada Lovelace

    Ada Lovelace
    Born in 1815 in London, UK. She was a mathematician. She suggested the data needed to program a machine to calculate Bernoulli numbers, which is now considered the very first computer program. Bernoulli numbers are rational numbers that appear often in number theory. It is debated if she has the right for the title of the creator of the first computing program and it is hotly discussed.
  • Alan Turing

    Alan Turing
    He was a English computer scientist, philosopher and mathematician. He died 1954 by suicide from cyanide poisoning. 1938 he received a PhD in the department of mathematics. During WW2 Alan Turing worked with German naval cryptanalysis and devised multiple techniques for breaking German ciphers. He cracked many crucial coded messages in the defeat of the Nazis. Turing was prosecuted in 1952 for "homosexuall acts" and took chemical castration instead of serving time in prison.
  • Duglas Engelbart

    Duglas Engelbart
    He was an American engineer and inventor. He was born 1925 and died 2013 due to kidney failure. He worked with Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and was also part of the development of the computer mouse, bitmapped screens and hypertext. Engelbart demonstrated his inventions on the 9th of Dec 1968. The computer mouse has made it easier to use electronics like a laptop and made it so the (ex.) computer can have a more complex interface (don't have to click arrows to choose what you want to do).
  • The smartphone

    The smartphone
    In 3rd April 1973 a Motorola DynaTAC 8000x was used by a Motorola worker, Martin Cooper, to make a phone call to Bell Labs in New Jersey. This is the first (agreed upon) start for the cellular phone. But the phone didn't go to sales for another decade. In 1979 NTT (Nippon Telegraph and Telephone) published the first 1G phone service, in Japan.
  • Stephen Gary Wozniak

    Stephen Gary Wozniak
    Known as "Woz", Woznaik is an American computer programmer, technology entrepreneur, electronics engineer and a philanthropist. He is most known for being a co-founder of Apple Inc. with Steve jobs. After being part of the development of Apple I and Apple II, Woznaik was in an airplane accident. He officially and permanently left Apple Inc. in 1985. He later founded CL 9 and created the first programmable universal remote.
  • The creation of the internet

    The creation of the internet
    Many people were involved in the making of the internet. Bob Kahn and Vint Chef are known as the fathers of the internet because they created the fundamental communication protocols at the heart of the internet. The internet was launched on the first of January in 1983.
  • The World Wide Web

    The World Wide Web
    Timothy John Berners-Lee (TimBL) was born 1955 and is a English computer scientist. Besides creating the World Wide Web, he is also the founder of the World Wide Web Foundation and a senior researcher at CSAIL. It has changed the way we communicate and has opened up a better way to find information globally (instead of reading books).
  • Swift

    Swift is a programming language developed by Apple Inc. It was programmed to replace Objective-C which is what Apple used before. It was a lot more efficient and modern since Object-C had been used since the 1980s. It is one of the favourites for programmers to use. It has been important to the evolution of technology since it has changed the way that most phones are programmed.