Computer Pioneers

By duychau
  • Charles Babbage

    Charles Babbage
    The invention of the analytical engine, which contained Arithmetic logic unit, flow control, and memory. Was the basic general purpose of the computer.
  • George Stibitz

    George Stibitz
    Maker of modern first digital computer
  • Reynold B. Johnson

    Reynold B. Johnson
    A long-time employee of IBM, Johnson is said to be the "father" of the disk drive
  • Ralph Baer

    Ralph Baer
    Creator of the Odyssey, the first gaming console
  • Adam Osborne

    Adam Osborne
    History of Adam OsborneHe was best known for creating the first portable computer.
  • Alan Kay

    Alan Kay
    About Alan KayHis contributions have been recognized with the Charles Stark Draper Prize of the National Academy of Engineering[1] "for the vision, conception, and development of the first practical networked personal computers
  • Vinton Cerf

    Vinton Cerf
    Cerf is the co-inventor of the architecture and basic protocols of the Internet
  • Abhay Bhushan

    Abhay Bhushan
    He has been a major contributor to the development of the Internet TCP/IP architecture, and is the author of the File Transfer Protocol and the early versions of email protocols.
  • Steve Jobs

    Steve Jobs
    Steve JobsStve Jobs BiographyInventor & Co-Founder of Apple
  • James Goslings

    James Goslings
    Major contributions to advances in the technology for construction of distributed computing system trough invention of the java language system
  • Bill Gates

    Bill Gates
    Billl GatesHe co-founded the software called Microsoft
  • Robert Morris

    Robert Morris
    He is best known for creating the Morris Worm in 1988, considered the first computer worm on the Internet, and for companies he has founded.